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  • Digital Transformation in Retail Banking

    This article covers some Spotfire resources related to Digital Transformation in Retail Banking

    Shared Best Practices and Increased Transparency

    Spotfire reports and dashboards can be shared over intra or extranet. The same report updates with only the data the signed-in user is allowed to see. Your customers can share a report of the value of their holdings NOW just as your business, even internationally, can share dashboards that encompass best practices in any field, from assessing customer creditworthiness to investigating transactions or viewing economic capital requirements. And if the CEO logs in, he can get a view of the fully aggregated international position from the same dashboards your people used in their micro-decisions, drill-down to any levels of interesting behavior, comment, and drill back up. An international American bank found an increase of 80-90% in productivity best practice dashboards that can be aggregated natively from this aspect alone.


    Figure 1. Sharing dashboards increase transparency and productivity. Notice how one dashboard can give a row-level or aggregated view.

    Exploiting Big Data

    Spotfire has a consistent look and feel whether users are connecting to text file data, a traditional SQL data store, or a Hadoop/Spark big data lake, which allows users to focus on the business problem rather than the technology behind it. Spotfire in-database visualizations are fast and agile (Download Example Video From Resources). But Big Data can be best exploited for value if its usage is not limited to visualization. Spotfire allows end users to apply machine learning to Hadoop data so it helps them find value where it lies: for example, which fields matter most for predicting churn? or fraud? or identifying who may be interested in a specific promotion? Check out, as an example, the Accelerator for Apache Spark (presentation video)


    Figure 2. Using Spotfire to guide your dive into the Big Data Lake and find the drivers that matter most.

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