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  1. Is it possible to increase the size of the font in the filter panel on the far right side?
  2. How do I remove the timestamps that are above my points on a scatterplot?
  3. I see what your saying. I tried setting my {DataExclusions} property equal to markedata (list of strings highlighted in screenshot & Output terminal) which is a list of strings and I got ValueError. Any guidance here on how to do this in ironPython?
  4. when I try this, the string from the document property ${DataExclusions} still does not get "unpacked" as seen in the "resulting expression" highlighted below. I need the result to be something like [Sample ID] != "5007423076" or [Sample ID] != "5007423082"
  5. both options are giving me this error; "expression must have type 'Boolean'" [Sample ID] column is String type ${DataExclusions} property control can have two or more values in one string that need to be unpacked into separate strings because the [Sample ID] column only stores one name per row e.g "nick, james" -> "nick", "james" e.g "nick, james, andy" -> "nick", "james, "andy"
  6. How can I unpack a list of strings from my document property ${DataExclusion} so that I can search the "Sample ID" column for each individual string? Currently (screenshot below) it is searching the "Sample ID" column for "5007423076, 5007423082" (one string) however I need it to search for "5007423076" OR "5007423082" (two separate strings)
  7. Hello I have create this ironPython Script that takes the current filter panel settings and applies it to my data table called "MES_Calculations" It then pulls the first value from the "longname" column of my filtered data table and assigns this value as the title for all visualizations on my page. It is working as expected HOWEVER How can I make this script run every time there is a change on the filter panel? Filter Panel options that can be changed (screenshot below)
  8. how to I assign my crosstable to be my active table? The datatable is dynamic and will change based on the filters I apply so how can I set the "table" variable to be the data that is currently being displayed (after filters are applied)?
  9. I am trying to dynamically change the title of my graph based on the value in the "longname" column of the first row
  10. How do I extract the value from the first row of the "longname" column from my datatable called "calc_attributes_data"
  11. How/ where do I create the calculated variable: "case when Group1 = DocumentProperty("Grp1") then Group2 end" Does this variable get applied to the "limit data using expression" part of the datatable?
  12. At the moment I have this dropdown list that shows ALL unique values from the 'process_attribute' column of a datatable as selectable options. I can't figure out how to make my dropdown list ONLY SHOW the values that have not been filtered out. So I need my dropdown list to dynamically change based on the filters I apply to the datatable. Example: This is my starting datatable with no filters process_attribute A B C Let's say I apply a filter to my datatable so that Im only left with A and B (row C was eliminated based on my filters). My dropdown list should only propose values A and B. Currently its still proposing value C even though 'C' has been filtered out already. I can't find a way to do this, someone has an idea?
  13. Hello I have a graphical table that contains two columns; "Parameter" and "Value" Parameter Value A 100 A 200 A 300 B 100 B 200 How can I to use the "Perform action on click" feature and IronPython to extract the cell value from the "Parameter" column based on the row the user clicks on.
  14. Thanks Anthony this was super helpful. I went with Solution A
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