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Kumud K

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  1. How to swap the axis and have horizontal scrolling option? I couldn't find code for vertical scrolling in the GitHub code. Please guide me here so that I can proceed further. Thanks
  2. sorry by mistake I wrote about Horizontal Bar. Scrollable Bar char MODS is already in Horizontal bar format. My requirement is to look into Vertical Bar format
  3. Dear Team, I wanted to modify the "Scrollable Bar chart" mods to achieve the scrollable option with horizontal bars for specific requirement but in the mods limitation of the scrollable bar mentioned that not supported with horizontal bars. Is it possible to modify? Looking for input on this. Thanks!!
  4. but everything were working fine couple of months back, it's new issue support team said that it's a (issue from Spotfire side itself)
  5. Hello Team, I'm looking solution for the above please help me out. The Dashboard is stuck in cache and in webplayer Dashboard does not show result. How to fix this? Support team said that this is because of the Python data function present in dashboard Thanks in Advance.
  6. The error notification: ( error: invalid property value An invalid property value was returned from the server and ignored ) the problem with python code is the existing Dashboard isn't get cached and it's not working in webplayer. Support team said that it's TIBCO issue that's the reason I wanted to change from python to R but R-script is not working in Dashboard.
  7. Thank you David for the suggestion. I missed one point here: I used the python code for data function because further I was passing the input as a concatenated value (in expression) and then splitting the value using iron python and assigning to respective document property but with the help of R script is that possible? I referred this youTube video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufc5qWUneE8 Here it say that we can use either R or python datafunction but I'm getting error while switching the code from python to R ( error: invalid function passed) Thanks in Advance!
  8. I'm using this Pyhton code for creating data function : try: if len(b)>0: a=b else: a="NA" except: a="NA" where b is input and a is output. I want to convert the above logic to R-script and that should work as the above code is working. Thanks in Advance!
  9. We have 3 different Data tables used in Dashboard in which Page one has 1st Data table and here I can directly mark row or apply filter and then mark a row to navigate it to 2nd Page (and also capture the ID's of marked row) where 2nd Data Table is used to show the detail data. This second page have data limit condition which handle the scenario where and which if filter is not applied then at least based on captured ID's while marking some data should be displayed. Now we have another page which uses 3rd data table here we pass the data limit directly to show the data since only one ID's will match and some will not and we don't want to miss any information. But, now the requirement is to get the sum of quantity from 3rd Data Table but need not consider the row which contain the column1 value from 2nd Data Table. For Example: 1st Data Table: column 1 = value1, column2= value2, column3=value3 2nd Data Table: Column 1=value1, column2=value2, columnX=abc, 3rd Data Table: 1. Column1=value1, column2= xyz, columnX=zz 2. Column1=value1, column2=value2, columnX=abc based on the above result : we want to discard the 2nd row from 3rd Data Table since it has ColumnX = abc and the same value is there in 2nd Data table too. So, is there a way to capture ColumnX values from 2nd Data Table without marking or filtering and apply as data limit in 3rd Data Table. Currently, I'm working on live data so, I can not share the DXP file and also I do not have any such dummy data.
  10. Hi All, A Models use a Dataiku API. Is there a way to use this models APIs to send requests from Spotfire also, so we can have predictions displayed in our Spotfire dashboards too. How to call these APIs from Spotfire. Could you share any link or blogs to understand the Dataiku API and Spotfire Integration Thanks
  11. For example: ID=1 and [Date of Balance] in - 12-Mar-23, [Balance]-40 and [Date of Balance] = 12-March-24, [Balance]=10 and [Date of Balance] = NULL, [Balance]=30 and when I click on Current Year Button output in Bar graph should be filtered as [Date of Balance]-12-march-24 and [Balance]=10
  12. Hi David, In some cases we have values in Balance column but Date of Balance is empty so when user mark this row from Tab1 then values doesn't occur in Bar Visuals since the data limit I had used is and condition. Could you please help me with data limit formula to handle the NULL values and should handle the CUrrent Year and Current Quater logic button logic? Thanks and Regards, Kumud
  13. Hi David, In some cases we have values in Balance column but Date of Balance is empty so when user mark this row from Tab1 then values doesn't occur in Bar Visuals since the data limit I had used is and condition. Could you please help me with data limit formula to handle the NULL values? Regards, Kumud
  14. Hi All, Need help in Data Limit for table as well bas Bar graph visual. In my Dashboard having two tabs - Tab1 - is table visual which contain required column with one column which has Balance information(Numerical Data) now marking one row from Tab1 would navigate us to Tab2 were we get the detail Balance information based on reference key ID's and date associated with the all the detailed Balance inform, usually Tab2 will be blank until and unless I mark any row in Tab1. ( ex. Tab1 has ID1, Balance column which has value of -sum(based on ID)= 2000, now after marking this row will take to Tab2 which has bar graph which will show me detail of Balance how this 2000 came like - on 13-March-2022 I got 1000 and on 13-March-2024 i got 1000) Also Tab1 is and Tab2 pint to different IL's but have linked both IL's based on Manage Relation option in Spotfire. Also Tab2 has "Date Picker" option in text-area using JS and two buttons- 1) Current Year 2) Current Quatre - on click of any button it used to set the From Date and To Date in Date picker. So, in order to achieve the above I had add data limiting in Bar visual - if(((If('${idDoc}'='',true,If([ID]='${idDoc}',true,false))) and (Date([Date of Balance])>=Date('${FromDate}') and Date([Date of Balance])<=Date('${ToDate}')) -idDoc is captured based on the marked value from Tab1 -FromDate/ToDate is coming from document-property which change data based on button has chosen if nothing is selected then by default value is set to FromDate=1/1/2016 and ToDate=DateTimeNow() Failed TestCase: 1) Above logic works perfectly fine until "Date of Balance" is not NULL/EMPTY/'' but if any ID has blank Date of Balance then data doesn't show up in bar since both condition should be satisfied. If I try to put "OR" between both the condition then CurrentYear and CurrentQuater Filter condition won't give the right result. Please let me know if there is way to handle this NULL in date data limit? Regards, Kumud
  15. Hi David, I have followed this link to create autocomplete search bar: Add an autocomplete search bar to Spotfire® using Text Areas - Spotfire - Spotfire Community Changes what I had made : 1)I tried to get the 3 different columns using Drop-down control in text-area where I was passing the Fixed value ex: ID1, ID2, ID3 and stored into document property 2) Substitute(Concatenate('["',UniqueConcatenate([document property]),'"]'),', ','","')// 3) columnToFilter = Document property Name instead of single column name -"Neighbourhood Cleaned" rest all other information were same. Note: My ID's value were in string data-type but data were mixed of string and numeric, For example- ID1 in (A11, B22, etc), ID2 In (AB11, 11BC, 11-xy, DG etc) so the autosuggestion were working with ID1 only when I directly change the drop-down from ID1 to ID2 suggestion were not working and also autocomplete wasn't working( like if we start type with A.. it was showing A11 but when I try to select it won't allow) Regards, Kumud
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