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Scott Sutton 2

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  1. For my purposes, I was missing the 'Set Active Visualization - Safe' step in the AS job. Once i added that the emails worked. We are investigating a few other use cases now but at least the emails are sending.
  2. Hi all - we have configured the alerting framework and everything seems to be working except the emails are not sending, but we're not getting any errors. We have AS jobs on the same server that run and send emails and those complete and send without any errors/issues. We have followed the steps in the troubleshooting section of the user guide (pasted below). When I run the job on the server, there are no errors and it completes fine. When i run the job locally, i get an invalid certificate error: 3. We have reviewed all logs (Automation Services logs, Alerting.log) and see no indications of errors or success. We are at a loss of how to troubleshoot this - would appreciate any help or adviec or direction.
  3. If anyone comes across this like I did, there is a great solution from Arnaud on the Ideas portal (Graphical Table - Custom Icons | Spotfire Ideas Portal) to use emojis/unicode.
  4. Good catch - you are correct. thanks for clarification.
  5. There are some third-party extensions that I think allow you to do this - check the EPAM Export to Excel. Not sure if I can link them here. Also note they are an additional cost.
  6. Thanks, @Glenn Hoskins. I had figured out that the call was failing but not why - i'll see if a paid key works. if not i may tweak the mod like you suggested. I appreciate the quick response!!
  7. Has anyone successfully used the Weather Mod? I have it setup exactly like the user guide states and not getting any results. I am wondering if it doesn't work with the free API key or if maybe something in our corporate network is blocking the API. Trying to troubleshoot with developer tools but not seeing any errors.
  8. You could use two Document Properties and IronPython to achieve this: Step 1 - setup your property control. In this case, you would have your expression be the same as your display name or something short and easy to reference Step 2 - create an additional property to store your custom expression (this will be referenced in step 3 IronPython code) Step 3 - create an iron python script that is triggered when the first property control is changed. #Set your custom expressions here as variables exp1 = "Sum(IF([Column1]='Yes',...))" exp2 = "Sum(IF([Column2]='Yes'...))" #...can set more options/expressions if desired #If option 1 is selected, choose expression1. else use expression 2. etc if Document.Properties["Options"] == "Option1": Document.Properties["OptionExpression"] = exp1 elif Document.Properties["Options"] == "Option2": Document.Properties["OptionExpression"] = exp2 #...can set more options/expressions if desired Then you can use Options property as a reference in other expressions/filters/calculated columns, and the OptionExpression property in value axes/expressions:
  9. As I mentioned earlier, Try removing the concatenation. I think you have a slightly different setup than we do so you'll probably have to figure out the rest on your own - hoping this gets you on the right track. Select DATA_ID as ID, dbms_lob.substr(utl_compress.lz_uncompress(DATA),2000,1)) as data_string1, dbms_lob.substr(utl_compress.lz_uncompress(DATA),2000,2001)) as data_string2 from LIB_DATA
  10. Maybe we're not seeing the full command, but i think it would need to be setup like below - if that doesn't work, it may not like the concatenate using two bars (||) so try without that Select DATA_ID as ID, dbms_lob.substr(utl_compress.lz_uncompress(DATA),2000,1)) || dbms_lob.substr(utl_compress.lz_uncompress(DATA),2000,2001)) as data_string from LIB_DATA
  11. @Peter McKinnis @Sirisha Kurella try the below - seems to be working for me. may have to update a bit of syntax. also you may need to do the second option if you have lots of aliases and the data is more than 2000 characters dbms_lob.substr(utl_compress.lz_uncompress(L2.DATA),2000,1)) dbms_lob.substr(utl_compress.lz_uncompress(L2.DATA),2000,1)) || dbms_lob.substr(utl_compress.lz_uncompress(L2.DATA),2000,2001))
  12. We are seeing the same errors - SELECT L1."ITEM_ID" AS "ELEMENTID", case when L3."LABEL" = 'column' then xmlcast(XMLQuery('for $i in /column/source-column[1] return $i/schema/text()' PASSING BY VALUE XMLTYPE(L2."DATA",871) RETURNING CONTENT) as varchar2(100)) when L3."LABEL" = 'join' then xmlcast(XMLQuery('for $i in /join/source-column[1] return $i/schema/text()' PASSING BY VALUE XMLTYPE(L2."DATA",871) RETURNING CONTENT) as varchar2(100)) when L3."LABEL" = 'filter' then xmlcast(XMLQuery('for $i in /filter/source-column[1] return $i/schema/text()' PASSING BY VALUE XMLTYPE(L2."DATA",871) RETURNING CONTENT) as varchar2(100)) end AS "COL01" from FROM "SPOTFIRE"."LIB_CURRENT_ITEMS" L1, "SPOTFIRE"."LIB_DATA" L2, "SPOTFIRE"."LIB_ITEM_TYPES" L3 WHERE (L3."TYPE_ID" = L1."ITEM_TYPE") AND (L1."ITEM_ID" = L2."DATA_ID") AND (L3."DISPLAY_NAME" IN ('column', 'filter', 'join')) InformationModelServiceException at Spotfire.Dxp.Services: Failed to execute query: ORA-31011: XML parsing failed ORA-19213: error occurred in XML processing at lines 1 LPX-00217: invalid character 31 (U+001F) ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 283 ORA-06512: at line 1 https://docs.oracle.com/error-help/db/ora-31011/ (HRESULT: 80131509) Looks like something changed in the XML Type - have not found a good solution yet.
  13. Have used the EPAM Excel Export add in for very similar requirements: EPAM Excel Export for TIBCO Spotfire It is an additional cost but I think it meets a lot of your requirements.
  14. I mentioned this on the Gauge Mod wiki, but i'm not able to get the colors to respond to a custom expression when i filter for records. example attached.
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