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Jose Leviaguirre

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  1. Jose Leviaguirre's post in How to update the row number after removing rows from a table? was marked as the answer   
    Hello @PBR I think that all you need is to remove the selection and add a calculated column using RowID()
    dataTable = Document.Data.Tables["Events"] markings = Document.ActiveMarkingSelectionReference.GetSelection(dataTable) dataTable.RemoveRows(markings) The ID column is simply a calculated column. It's custom expression is:
    RowId() as [ID]
  2. Jose Leviaguirre's post in Synchronizing Zoom Sliders Between Line Charts with Different Time Formats was marked as the answer   
    Hello PBR,

    It seems that you are using a categorical scale on your second graph.  When using the zoom range (AxisRange) with categorical data, the range is expressed with indices. The indices are integers, so you will need to calculate the indices.

    To understand a bit more the indices on the range when using categorial measures, If you make your first graph categorical and without any aggregation or binning, you will have 2000 indices from your 2K rows. For the second graph, you will have less indices depending on the binning. If your 2000 rows represents 5 days of data and you bin by day, then you will have 5 indices. 
    Basic Example:
    #leaves out the first and last 10 data points from your 2,000 datapoints assuming you have a categorical axis without any binning or aggregations LineA.XAxis.ZoomRange = AxisRange(10, 1990)
    For your particular use case, you will need to  determine the index number your data falls into, unless there is a property that reveals that, which I am not aware of. Here is a function that calculates the corresponding indices based on the difference in hours between given dates. Note that it will only work for day / hour binning:
    from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import AxisRange, LineChart # visA and visB are scripting parameters LineA = visA.As[LineChart]() LineB = visB.As[LineChart]() #data table can be a script param. we need min and max values #dt = Document.ActiveDataTableReference # Get the current zoom range of LineA zoomAX = LineA.XAxis.ZoomRange def get_indices(min_date, max_date, date1, date2): # Calculate the total number of hours between min_date and max_date total_hours = int((max_date - min_date).TotalHours) # Calculate the index for date1 hours1 = int((date1 - min_date).TotalHours) index1 = hours1 + 1 # Adding 1 to make the index 1-based # Calculate the index for date2 hours2 = int((date2 - min_date).TotalHours) index2 = hours2 + 1 # Adding 1 to make the index 1-based return index1, index2 min_date = (dt.Columns["Time"].RowValues.GetMinValue()).Value max_date = (dt.Columns["Time"].RowValues.GetMaxValue()).Value date1 = LineA.XAxis.ZoomRange.Low date2 = LineA.XAxis.ZoomRange.High #get the indices for the month > hour use case min_index_b, max_index_b = get_indices(min_date, max_date, date1, date2) LineB.XAxis.ZoomRange = AxisRange(min_index_b, max_index_b)
    A work around that does not depend on the binning function that calculates the indices, is to use a separate filter scheme for your second graph, and set that second graph react to that second filter programmatically.  It requires your first graph to have a continuous  X Axis
    from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import AxisRange, LineChart from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Filters import RangeFilter, ValueRange #dt is script param # visA and visB are scripting parameters LineA = visA.As[LineChart]() LineB = visB.As[LineChart]() #get a hold of the second filtering scheme filt=Document.FilteringSchemes[1].Item[dt].Item[dt.Columns.Item["Time"]].As[RangeFilter]() #reset zoom LineB.XAxis.ManualZoom = False LineB.XAxis.ManualZoom = True # Get the current zoom range of LineA zoomAX = LineA.XAxis.ZoomRange #set second chart filter with min, max from fist_chart date1 = LineA.XAxis.ZoomRange.Low date2 = LineA.XAxis.ZoomRange.High filt.ValueRange = ValueRange(date1,date2)
    Another much simpler option that requires no coding is to limit by marking and hide the zoom range slider. Will that work? 

    Attached is a sample with those 3 different options

  3. Jose Leviaguirre's post in Add Cancel button into Javascript Custom Progress Indicator was marked as the answer   
    Hello @Kem Azlan, the solution is based on JavaScript. You will need to add an Action Control to cancel the process as per this article and tweak the JavaScript code to prevent the overlay to hide when clicking. I updated the code, so now you can add controls inside the javascriptLoader tag
    <SpotfireControl id="button that runs a data function" /> <div id="javascriptLoader"> <h1>loading</h1> <SpotfireControl id="cancel button or link goes here" /> </div>
  4. Jose Leviaguirre's post in Scripting to Click an Icon to Send Email was marked as the answer   
    Hello @apreble I believe you are referring to this article in which it mentions briefly about sending emails.  The mailto value on your href attribute for you anchor tag. No JavaScript needed:

    <a href="mailto:your-email@example.com?subject=Question%20about%20Spotfire%20Guide&body=Hi,%20I%20have%20a%20question%20about%20this%20Spotfire%20guide:"> <span style="display: inline-block; padding: 10px 20px; background-color: #007BFF; color: white; border-radius: 5px; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;"> ☰📧 Email Me</span> </a> This is standard html and there are many great guides for basic web technologies from beginners to advanced in the Internet. 

    The trick relies is:
    <a href="mailto:your-email@example.com?subject=Question%20about%20Spotfire%20Guide&body=Hi,%20I%20have%20a%20question%20about%20this%20Spotfire%20guide:">
    the <a> tag defines a hyperlink, which is used to link from one page to another. The `href` attribute specifies the URL of the page the link goes to. In this case, it uses the `mailto` protocol to open the default email client. mailto: is a protocol that tells the browser to open the default email client to send an email. Email Address: `your-email@example.com`: This is the recipient's email address. Replace this with the actual email address you want the email to be sent to Query Parameters: ?subject=Question%20about%20Spotfire%20Guide&body=Hi,%20I%20have%20a%20question%20about%20this%20Spotfire%20guide: ? Indicates the start of query parameters. subject=Question%20about%20Spotfire%20Guide`: Sets the subject of the email. Spaces are encoded as `%20 &: Separates multiple query parameters. body=Hi,%20I%20have%20a%20question%20about%20this%20Spotfire%20guide Sets the body of the email. Spaces and special characters that are URL-encoded. the span has a style attribute that controls the look and feel of the rendered button
  5. Jose Leviaguirre's post in How to automatically run the Ironpython script without using a button? was marked as the answer   
    Hello PBR, 

    To be able to trigger your IronPython script, you also need an input parameter with an aggregating custom expression to be able to limit by marking. That way the data function will trigger when you mark a shape on your map. 

    Create a Document property called "currentTime" or "ScriptTrigger" of any data type. Whatever makes more sense to you Create an R data function defined as Nico and Gaya described: "output <- toString(Sys.time())" uncheck allow caching define the input parameter to be 'output' as any data type define the output parameter to also be 'output' as a "Value" type Run the data function and configure the script parameters and set it to run automatically check the Refresh function automatically option set the input parameter "output" to be an Expression to form a unique selection of records limited by marking: 
    note: to ensure the data function execution it requires an aggregation, but the data function will always output the current time as defined on the data function  script. The "DateTimeNow()" statement alone might not trigger the data function limited by marking. expression:  UniqueConcatenate([Shapes].[id]) & DateTimeNow()  check the Refresh function automatically option limit by marked rows (use the same marking you use on your map) optionally limit also by filtered rows using one of the filtering schemes from the dropdown set the output parameter to be a Document property and select the "ScriptTrigger" or Document property The ScriptTrigger Document property will change its value every time you make a selection with marking, so now you can set that Document property to trigger your IronPython script.
  6. Jose Leviaguirre's post in Set Zoom Sliders in Scatter Plot for X-axis and Y-axis by specifying some input was marked as the answer   
    Hello Padmini

    You will  need to create an Action Control on a Text Area and associate an IronPython script to it. The script will be something like:
    from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import AxisRange, ScatterPlot # vis is a script parameter scatter = vis.As[ScatterPlot]() # update X zoom range axisRangeX = AxisRange(2000,3000) scatter.XAxis.ZoomRange = axisRangeX # update Y zoom range axisRangeY = AxisRange(400,500) scatter.YAxis.ZoomRange = axisRangeY  
    Another option that requires no coding is to use bookmarks

    Check out these articles on how you can use IronPython to programatically set the zoom sliders to a specific position.
    https://community.spotfire.com/articles/spotfire/configuring-spotfire-zoom-sliders-scroll-bars-etc-using-ironpython/ https://community.spotfire.com/articles/spotfire/sync-scrollbars-between-visualizations/
  7. Jose Leviaguirre's post in IronPython Script code for altering a particular Series color in a Combination Chart was marked as the answer   

    You can change the color with IronPython by using the Coloring. SetColorForCategory Method
    from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import CombinationChart, CategoryKey from System.Drawing import Color #cast visual to combo chart combinationChart = vis.As[CombinationChart]() #get script parameters from doc props category = CategoryKey(Document.Properties["category"]) #string representing a category from the series color = Color.FromName(Document.Properties["color"]) #named color such as blue, green, magenta, beige... # change the color for the corresponding category combinationChart.ColorAxis.Coloring.SetColorForCategory(category,color) #color = Color.FromArgb(255,0,0) #if you know the rgb values #hex_color = "#FF0000" #color = Color.FromArgb(int(hex_color[1:3], 16), int(hex_color[3:5], 16), int(hex_color[5:7], 16)) #if you know the hex color

    Here is an article on how to do so
  8. Jose Leviaguirre's post in How to link 2 or more visualisations to affect each others' zoom? (Via Python Scrip) was marked as the answer   
    Hello Juan Carlos,
    To sync the zoom visuals, you need to use an IronPython script that can be triggered by Action Controls. You can add this control on a text area just like you did on your left side panel. This script only syncs two visuals, but I am sure you can change the code to your needs and apply the zoom slider range to other visuals
    # You will need these two classes from the Application.Visual library: AxisRange and ScatterPlot from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import AxisRange, ScatterPlot # We need to cast the visual parameters visA and visB to ScatterPlot object or whatever visual you are using in your analysis scatterA = visA.As[ScatterPlot]() scatterB = visB.As[ScatterPlot]() # We create a reference to the Y axis ZoomRange from the first visual (A) zoomAy = scatterA.YAxis.ZoomRange # We need to create an AxisRange object based on visual A range settings for Y axis axisRangeY = AxisRange(zoomAy.Low, zoomAy.High) # And apply this axisRangeY object to the second visual B scatterB.YAxis.ZoomRange = axisRangeY  
  9. Jose Leviaguirre's post in The side bar collapses when dragging on the slider was marked as the answer   
    I see...
    Seems that the Spotfire filter control inside your panel is triggering the hover or mouse out event.
    Try adding a trigger other than the one in the panel where the Spotfire controls sit to avoid conflict. Take a look at this example to understand the concept of a trigger border, which is basically a layer under the .side-menu but a big bigger in which you tell it to collapse the menu instead of the .side-menu panel
    Here a modified example based on your code in which I added a #closeTrigger layer under the .side-menu:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/6.4.2/css/all.min.css" integrity="sha512-z3gLpd7yknf1YoNbCzqRKc4qyor8gaKU1qmn+CShxbuBusANI9QpRohGBreCFkKxLhei6S9CQXFEbbKuqLg0DA==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" /> <div id="styelDiv"></div> <div id="fontAwesome"></div> <div id="closeTrigger"></div> <ul class="side-menu" style="overflow:hidden; bottom:28px;"> <li class="spotli"> <div id="accordion" class="spotli ws-menu-button" style="background: beige"> <h4 style="background: white; color: #625D52"> <a href="#"> <span class="fa fa-calendar-days fa-2xl" style="background: green; color: #625D52"></span> <span style="color: #625D52">Production Date</span> <span style="color: #625D52; float: right;">▼&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> </a> </h4> <div align="center" style="background: white; color: #625D52"> <span style="color: #625D52; background: white" class="slider-sidepanel"><SpotfireControl id="a05a922bbe6849989454e80b7d843cc0" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> </div> </div> </li> </ul>  
  10. Jose Leviaguirre's post in Dual Scale with 100% Stacked Bars was marked as the answer   
    When using 100% stacked bars you will only have and need one scale that goes from 0 to 100%. A work around is to create a calculated column and compute the percentage for each bar / segment so you can have multiple scales.
    It is a good use case, so I added this idea on the ideas portal.
  11. Jose Leviaguirre's post in How to assign a boolean document property to a CSS slider was marked as the answer   
    You can achieve the same thing without using any JavaScript with calculated values. The calculated value toggles a document property when clicked so when the document property changes, you can trigger your script that hides or shows the lines and curves. The calculated value can display a way to indicate the status of the Boolean document property
    "lines and curves are: " & if(${cb},"[on]","[off]")The JavaScript route is a similar approach. Just wrap the calculated value with an identified tag
    <a id='myCheckbox'> <SpotfireControl id="091b854f588b407ea376e0f8e3d1a7f8" /></a>and add this script
    /*usage:just wrap a calculated value with: <a id="myCheckbox"><spotfire calculated value goes here></div> requirements for the calc val spotfire control: The calc val drives a boolean doc prop "sw1" that toggles its state when clicked To change the bool doc prop sw1 when clicked, assign the ironpython script: Document.Properties["sw1"] = now Document.Properties["sw1"] The calc val custom expression can be just the bool doc prop: ${sw1} or something more descriptive: "lines and curves are: " & if(${sw1},"[on]","[off]") Make sure the calcValOutput script param here matches the sw1 output*/  //script parametersid = "myCheckbox";calcValOutput = "lines and curves are: [on]";  //get doc prop value that comes from calc value expressioncv = document.getElementById(id); //add a placeholder for the custom expression html to render as a sibling of the idcb = document.createElement('div');  //set default value according to doc prop. Wait a bit for the actionControl to rendersetTimeout(()=>{ isChecked = cv.innerText==calcValOutput;  html = ` <label class="switch"><input type="checkbox" ${isChecked?"checked":""}><span class="slider"></span></label>`   cb.innerHTML = html; cv.insertAdjacentElement("afterend",cb);  //set the slider to click the calculated column cb.querySelector(".slider").onclick = ()=>{cv.querySelector(".actionCell").click()}; //hide the calc val cv.hidden = true; },1500); //adjust milliseconds accordingly  //add style for look and feel. This can be placed on a different scriptcss=`<style>/* The switch - the box around the slider */.switch { position: relative; display: inline-block; width: 60px; height: 34px;} /* Hide default HTML checkbox */.switch input { opacity: 0; width: 0; height: 0;} /* The slider */.slider { position: absolute; cursor: pointer; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background-color: #ccc; -webkit-transition: .4s; transition: .4s;} .slider:before { position: absolute; content: ""; height: 26px; width: 26px; left: 4px; bottom: 4px; background-color: white; -webkit-transition: .4s; transition: .4s;} input:checked + .slider { background-color: #2196F3;} input:focus + .slider { box-shadow: 0 0 1px #2196F3;} input:checked + .slider:before { -webkit-transform: translateX(26px); -ms-transform: translateX(26px); transform: translateX(26px);} </style>`; cv.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend",css);
  12. Jose Leviaguirre's post in Show selection on button click in textarea was marked as the answer   
    Hello Min,
    Here is an example of a reset button on one text area that resets the other on the second text area
    1st text area has buttons that are kept highlighted when pressed
    <style>.on { background-color: #ABFF00; box-shadow: rgb(0 0 0) 0 0px 0px 0px, inset rgb(49 54 56) 1px 1px 1px 1px, rgb(223 223 223) 0 0px 7px;}</style>  <span id='myButtons'> <SpotfireControl id="button goes here" /> <SpotfireControl id="replace with button" /> <SpotfireControl id="must be a spotfire button control" /></span>   <script>function lightsOff(cssSel){$(cssSel).removeClass("on")}  //make day selection buttons highlight when clicked$("#myButtons input").click(function(){ $("#myButtons input").removeClass("on"); $(this).addClass("on"); window.localStorage.setItem("daysBtns",this.id);}) //highlight saved itemsdocument.getElementById(window.localStorage.getItem("daysBtns"))?.classList.add("on")</script>2nd text area with a reset button
    <div id='resetButton'> <SpotfireControl id="183c1cb350f346bca91a0e94d837f026" /></div> <script>$("#resetButton input").click(function(){ $("#myButtons input").removeClass("on");})</script>In case you want to have the reset button, you can combine them both:
    <style>.on { background-color: #ABFF00; box-shadow: rgb(0 0 0) 0 0px 0px 0px, inset rgb(49 54 56) 1px 1px 1px 1px, rgb(223 223 223) 0 0px 7px;}</style>  <span id='myButtons'> <SpotfireControl id="spotifre button control" /> <SpotfireControl id="spotifre button control" /> <SpotfireControl id="spotifre button control" /></span><hr><div id='resetButton'> <SpotfireControl id="7f49c19796e943868e8d4b8c31458c87" /></div>   <script>function lightsOff(cssSel){$(cssSel).removeClass("on")}  //make day selection buttons highlight when clicked$("#myButtons input").click(function(){ $("#myButtons input").removeClass("on"); $(this).addClass("on"); window.localStorage.setItem("daysBtns",this.id);}) $("#resetButton input").click(function(){ $("#myButtons input").removeClass("on");}) //highlight saved itemsdocument.getElementById(window.localStorage.getItem("daysBtns"))?.classList.add("on")</script>
  13. Jose Leviaguirre's post in Ask about menu depth in spotfire sidebar was marked as the answer   
    Hello Min Su Sun
    One way to achieve this is to use one of the sidebars or a drawer component and place an accordion inside them.
    for the sidebar, place the accordion code inside the sidebar-nav element
    <DIV id="sidebar" style="FONT-SIZE: 20px; BACKGROUND: #004050; COLOR: white"></DIV><span id="sidebar-logo">C. Corp</span><DIV id="sidebar-nav" > your accordion html code here</div>  
    Attached find example code
  14. Jose Leviaguirre's post in Sum (if) with two conditions was marked as the answer   
    Hello Francisco. If it is not meant to be a calculated column, I assume is a calculated or aggregated value, so use something like this in your custom expression, function or whatever you are planning to use it on
    Sum(If([CAT]~="A|C",[VALUE]))The secret is the first argument of the if function. The ~= operator is used to test if the value in the "CAT" column matches the regular expression "A|C". In this regular expression, the vertical bar (|) means "or", so the regular expression matches either the character "A" or the character "C"
  15. Jose Leviaguirre's post in Javascript PopUp published in January 2023 breaks Spotfire ("JSPopup") was marked as the answer   
    Hello Henry
    Thanks again for your feedback. I fixed the code. I added this JavaScript library that handles the dragging properly.
  16. Jose Leviaguirre's post in #DrSpotfire I am not able to add calculated columns using traansformation, I have taken preprocessor error into account still there is no result neither error visible to me. Can someone please help me with this? was marked as the answer   
    The backslash acts as a escaping character in your column, so it renders as a single backslash.
    Add this transformation before your case statement 
    Substitute([FILE],"\","\\")Or replace all your \ with a single in your document properties
  17. Jose Leviaguirre's post in Is there any way I can use iron-python to customize the sort order of an imported column (e.g. prompt the custom sort order settings with a button in the text area) so that web users can access easily? was marked as the answer   
    Here is an implementation of your requirement:
    On a Text Area, Create a List box (multiple select) Property Control with Unique values in column pointing to a new String List Document Property called "values" Create a Label Property Control on a Text Area using the "values" document property to output the selecting order of the columns and add a "Apply" Action Control Button Create an IronPython script for the Apply button : tblName = "Blood Work"colName = "type"values = Document.Properties["values"]dt = Document.Data.Tables[tblName]# The values in values must be of the same type as the values in the column. # Column values not present in values will be sorted last. dt.Columns[colName].Properties.SetCustomSortOrder(values)
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