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Tyler Kendle

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About Tyler Kendle

  • Birthday August 9

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Community Answers

  1. Thank you so much @Glenn Hoskins. I appreciate your help with this.
  2. Anyone have any luck trying to remove the decimals? I tried to download the Mod source code to see if I could alter the code but I didn't have any luck there. @David Baltar Boilève do you have any suggestions by chance?
  3. Hi Dave, The link you posted is for a data function that is used to calculate travel routes, which may be useful still for some analysis but if you're looking for trade area / catchment then I might start with one of these data functions. Trade Area: Trade Area From Address Trade Area From GPS Coordinates Helpful link: Find Locations by route in Spotfire The data functions I believe do require an API key with GeoAnalytics Builder. One of my projects in the past required me to look up how many competitors lived within X miles of a given location. For that project I used these two data functions. Draw Circular Radius - To draw a circle around a given point. Then pair it with a Points in a Polygon function to find how many competitors were within X miles. Points in a Polygon There're some good Dr. Spotfire videos to watch if you have not already: Dr. Spotfire - Spatial Joins and Geoanalytics Tips Calculate Distances to a Point in Spotfire Maps Hope this points you in the right direction.
  4. Hi David, Thank you for your help, I installed the rgeos package and reran the data function. I was able to export the shapefile successfully after that. Thanks for the suggestion, that was what I was missing. I appreciate all your help on this. Thank you, Tyler
  5. Hello everyone, I'm looking for some help figuring out my error when I run the data function "Export to Shapefile" I downloaded from the Exchange page. I watched the Dr. Spotfire video on this a few times but I'm unable to get the data function to work for me. Any help would be much appreciated. I installed the three packages required: "wkb", "rgdal", and "sp" Error Details: TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R returned an error The data function '[Geospatial] Export to Shapefile' could not be executed. Error in writeOGR(obj = spdf, dsn = export_path, layer = export_layer : Spatial Polygons objects should have valid ordering comments use rgeos::createSPComment() eval(script, envir = .GlobalEnv) eval(script, envir = .GlobalEnv) withCallingHandlers({ writeOGR(obj = spdf, dsn = export_path, layer = export_layer, stop("Spatial Polygons objects should have valid ordering comments\nuse rgeos::createSPComment()") Screenshot of spatial data trying to be exported: Video: Thank you, Tyler
  6. How did you generate the column that subtracted the dates? Did you use "DateDiff"? That should return a "real" value which should work fine instead of an Integer. Here is an example: I have two columns Today's date, and Date Created. Step 1: Calculate Days between the two columns using DateDiff Formula: DateDiff('day',[Date Created],[Today]) Step 2: Create your new column with your case statement. Formula: Case When [Days Open]<5 Then "Tiempo" Else "Late" End Those are just examples, I know your #s are slightly different but the concept should still work for you.
  7. Just double checking here, are you using a Case Statement for that When clause? I typically organize my case statements vertically just to make things easier to read. So something like this: Case When [Dias Prep] IS NULL Then Null When [Dias Prep]<-5 THEN “Tiempo” Else "Late" End Wondering if your issue is just the Case and End prompts missing... Or perhaps it's because it's a TimeSpan variable, could you change that column to an Integer?
  8. Hi David, Thank you for taking the time to look into this for me. I'll take a look through those articles, maybe there is something in there that I can use to update the Line Similarity. I'll also give that idea in the portal a vote for consideration. Thanks David!
  9. Hi everyone, I'm trying to give my end users the ability to update an analysis in the web player where I've created Line Similarity rankings based off the marking of a specific region. In Spotfire Analyst I'm able to click on a different region then right click on the Line Graph and then Line Similarity. This gives me the ability to Update Existing based on new marked lines. The issue I'm having is I'm not able to do that on the Web Player. Does anyone have any suggestions or possible work arounds that could work. I was thinking an IronPython script to mark a row, and then maybe there is a way to update the Line Similarity with a different IronPython script but I didn't see any examples that I thought would work. Thank you,
  10. Hey Edward, Check out this Dr. Spotfire video about using CSS to control Tab color. Skip ahead to 9:20. Link: Dr. Spotfire - Improving the Appearance of Text Areas with HTML and CSS Not sure if you've already tried this solution or not but I remembered you asking the question a few weeks ago and I was watching the video tonight and saw how Julie was able to change the colors of tabs with CSS. I haven't tested this myself yet, but thought I'd pass it along.
  11. Hello, I thought it would be nice to have a forum associated with the ERP and/or CRM systems your organization utilizes. The goal here is to develop contacts within the manufacturing industry, share our experiences, and learn from each other. I can start it off. Our ERP system is SAP Business One and we use Salesforce for our CRM. I love the power Spotfire gives us to connect so many different systems. A project I'm currently working on is building a classification model to predict if an open Salesforce opportunity will either win or lose. That way our Sales Directors aren't spending unnecessary time on opportunities that have a low probability of winning.
  12. Gaia, Thank you so much for your help with updating that code. Much appreciated! I did still get an error even after implementing your new code but it was a Pandas issue. I was getting an error that said "AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'iteritems'". When I searched the internet for that error I found an article that talked about how it's related to iteritems being removed from newer versions of Pandas. A solution that someone in the thread recommended was to add this line in: "pd.DataFrame.iteritems = pd.DataFrame.items" I added it in and I was able to create the new data table Association Rules. Thank you for all your help. Posting the article in case anyone else runs into a similar issue. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76404811/attributeerror-dataframe-object-has-no-attribute-iteritems
  13. Hi everyone, I am trying to run the MBA data function from the Customer Analytics template I downloaded from the Exchange page. Unfortunately I keep getting an error. The error appears to be something with line 27 and has to do with "consequents" but I can't figure out what I'm missing. I attached a DXP with a similar data structure as the template and the data function embedded in the analysis. My goal is to produce the AssociationRules table that I can't get. Thank you for any suggestions you might have.
  14. Similar to what Fredrik said here is a Dr. Spotfire video, "Set Default Values in Spotfire when a page loads" that can help show you how to run an IronPython script for setting that default value. Link:
  15. That was it! I knew I was missing a step but couldn't figure out what it was. Thank you so much!
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