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David Boot-Olazabal

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  1. David Boot-Olazabal's post in Ironpython script to export visualization images to Excel was marked as the answer   
    Hi Funny Cat,
    There is the out of the box export functionality in Spotfire, concerning tables and crosstabs. This functionality will not work for other visualizations, like bar charts, line charts, etc. Those can be exported as image (.bmp) after which you may be able to add them in Excel. However, that will not be an option yet, given your Spotfire version. There are iron python code snippets available to export a data table to excel: from client only or from web player
    If your need is to export other visualizations, what you can do, is have a look at a similar question here. It is based on Python code, rather than Iron Python. Although it is about exporting visualizations to PowerPoint, you may be able to use the same approach for exports to Excel, using a different Python library.
    Kind regards,
  2. David Boot-Olazabal's post in How to hide/remove the Grand total for a specific column in Cross table was marked as the answer   
    Hi Prashant,
    I don't think this is possible, certainly not with the out of the box functionality that lets you style individual rows only (instead of cells which you are looking for).
    I also didn't have luck with custom expressions for the summation of the columns, as the Grand Total is derived automatically based on the cell values (you can't create your own Grand Total and insert it). Last option I tried, was to add an empty row below and tried to add the custom expression in there as well. That also failed, since the extra row became part of the cell values 'block'.
    So, all things considered, I would advise you to create an enhancement request which can style cell values of a grand total individually, via our ideas portal https://ideas.spotfire.com/.
    Kind regards,
  3. David Boot-Olazabal's post in If then statement as calculated column and in cross table was marked as the answer   
    You can add the expression in the cross table as you mentioned. And you can also use the OVER functions to achieve this in a calculated column.
    Consider the below screenshot, where I have copied a small part of your dataset. I have used the OVER function in the crosstab columns of Total Milestones and Actual Time to calculate the Revenue per Project:

    The expression used is this one:
    <[Data Table].[Project] NEST Sum([Data Table].[Total Milestones]) OVER ([Project]) NEST [Data Table].[Hour rate] NEST Sum([Data Table].[Actual Time]) OVER ([Project])>.
    The Revenue column is a calculated column, based upon your formula.
    Kind regards,
  4. David Boot-Olazabal's post in Error message: 'The requested value "Ctrl" could not be found' when trying to launch Package Builder with German system settings was marked as the answer   
    Hi Frank,
    Annoying indeed. I would advise you to create a support ticket via https://support.tibco.com.
    As it is a problem in the software, this is the best and quickest way to address the issue.
    Kind regards,
  5. David Boot-Olazabal's post in Failed to create Data Table >> Error message: Could not open information link was marked as the answer   
    Hi Navaneetha,
    Without knowing any further context, I can see that the error message provided, speaks of: "Failed to execute query: [simba][bigQueryJDBCDriver](100032) Error executing query job. Message: 400 Bad Request".
    So, somewhere in the provided SQL statement, there is something off. Not sure where this exactly is, but the provided query is invalid:
    { "code": 400, "errors": [ { "domain": "global", "location": "q", "locationType": "parameter", "message": "Syntax error: Unexpected ")" at [1:2620]", "reason": "invalidQuery" : "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT" } (HRESULT: 80131509) If possible, I would advise to run the same query directly on the database, so it may be easier to find out where the root cause lies for the invalid query.
    Kind regards,
  6. David Boot-Olazabal's post in File Download blocked by Google Chrome was marked as the answer   
    Hi Vincent,
    Please have a look at an earlier topic about this:
    It may give you the solution you're looking for, as it discusses the changed settings in Chrome and a way to fix that.
    Kind regards,
  7. David Boot-Olazabal's post in Two different choices of colors following a rule in a table was marked as the answer   
    Hi Jlary,
    Color coding based on expressions is possible in Spotfire.
    Having said that, I'm not sure if I follow the proposed logic and the color coding in the screenshot.
    The first condition is "if the Evol N N-1% column is > 0 then I color in red and green for the rest, IF call classification = CARENCE". To me, that means that whenever the classification is CARENCE and the Evol N N-1% is greater than 0, the color should be red. Else it should be green. This matches the coding, since the Evol N N-1% is smaller than 0.
    But the second condition "if the Evol N N-1% column is > 0 then I color in green and red for the rest, IF call classification = EXTREME EMERGENCE ", I would have expected the same green color, since the Evol N N-1% is greater than 0 and the classification is EXTREME EMERGENCE (which matches the condition and the color should be green).
    Is there a typo in one of the 2 conditions or your example perhaps?
    In any case, no matter how your conditions would look like, I would advise to create a calculated column that looks like this:
    CASE  WHEN ([Classification]="CARENCE") AND ([Evol N N-1%]>0) THEN "RED"
    WHEN ([Classification]="EXTREME URGENCE") AND ([Evol N N-1%]>0) THEN "RED"
    You can use this column to color code the two Evol columns, using the next set up:

    Kind regards,
  8. David Boot-Olazabal's post in Target line, from data, for each Bar in Bar Chart to represent Individual Team Capacity was marked as the answer   
    Hi James,
    I have attached a dxp example, with two trellis options (Spotfire 14.0, so I hope you can open it). I have added the capacity as part of the initial data table, so you can easily set up a threshold line. The data model looks like this:

    And the end result looks like this (from the first trellis option):

    I hope this is what you were looking for.
    Kind regards,
    Trellis with Team capacity.dxp
  9. David Boot-Olazabal's post in How Ironscript allows you to wait while updating the data function table was marked as the answer   
    Hi Arenti,
    Please have a look at this code. It might be the solution that you are looking for.
    Kind regards,
  10. David Boot-Olazabal's post in Mapmarkersize script for multiple pages was marked as the answer   
    Hi Dagfinn,
    I have downloaded your dxp once more, and this time I could see the script. I now see what you did (and what I missed in my script).
    The solution I proposed in my earlier responses, can still be used in your script. Just copy the parts for each of the pages and point them to the name of the page. That synchronizes the slider value on all pages and zooms each map equally in or out.
    I have attached the dxp with the changes in the script.
    Kind regards,
    Mapmarkersize v05042024.dxp
  11. David Boot-Olazabal's post in Formula IF was marked as the answer   
    Hi Francisco,
    Right, I can reproduce the error message with the initial CASE statement.
    What we need to take into account, is the way we combine different types of data format (so real and string). It's always kind of tricky with date calculations.
    I have created a working CASE statement, although you have to replace the StartDate and EndDate variables with your own Date variables of course:
    WHEN Today()>[StartDate] THEN DateDiff('day',Today(),[EndDate])
    WHEN [EndDate] > [StartDate] THEN DateDiff('day',[EndDate], [StartDate])
    ELSE 0 END
    As you can see, the outcomes of each and every rule is either NULL or a number and that is something the Spotfire engine is accepting.
    Kind regards,
  12. David Boot-Olazabal's post in Time Range for on-demand-loading was marked as the answer   
    Hi Martin,
    You can find a date picker here: https://spotfired.blogspot.com/2014/07/two-popup-calendars-start-and-end-date.html.
    The dates that you have set, has to be stored in a document property. And that document property can then be used as a trigger for the on-demand query.
    In the below example (not on a date field), you can see how to set a property as input for an on-demand query:

    Kind regards,
  13. David Boot-Olazabal's post in Export Spatial Data To Shapefile was marked as the answer   
    Hi Tyler,
    I was able to make it work, although the TERR code seems a bit outdated.
    My initial mistake was that I did not create the export sub folder in the path. Have you configured the path and/or does the export sub folder exists?
    The error shown above, might indicate you have to install the rgeos package as well. You may try that one as well.
    Also, would it be possible to share your dxp file, so we can have a look at it? The included demo dxp in the Exchange package, does still work for us. So we're interested to see why your dxp is failing.
    Kind regards,
  14. David Boot-Olazabal's post in How to handle Data Limit for multiple columns as well as Date Column which can contain NULL values was marked as the answer   
    Hi Kumud,
    You can extent your data limiting formula with another if statement, where you 'capture' NULL values in the [Date of Balance].
    Not sure what you want to do when the Data of Balance is NULL, but that should be handled in that particular if statement (such as a default date or skip the entire part).
    Kind regards,
  15. David Boot-Olazabal's post in Iron Python to refresh Information Link with Prompt was marked as the answer   
    Hi Jon,
    Sorry for the confusion. I have found a working solution, using iron python.
    This is also referred in other article: 
    Here is the code I used in my dashboard:
    from Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.ApplicationModel import * def Refresh(): # define script parameter "table" to be refreshed     table.Refresh() ps = Application.GetService[ProgressService]() ps.ExecuteWithProgress("refresh title", "refresh description", Refresh) When you create this iron python code, and put it behind a button in a text area, be sure to uncheck the "Execute in transaction" as well as add a parameter for the data table that needs to be refreshed:

    This worked for me in Spotfire 11 as well as Spotfire 14.
    Kind regards,
  16. David Boot-Olazabal's post in How to freeze certain row headers in Cross Table in Spotfire? was marked as the answer   
    Hello Kem,
    I don't see any possibility for this at the moment. The properties you mentioned are the ones Spotfire offers. There seems to be no IronPython example (from this article) available, that would give you what you are looking for.: 
    What I can see in our ideas portal (https://ideas.spotfire.com/ideas/TS-I-7853), is that a similar idea has been put forward. You may vote that idea up, as its current status is 'Future Consideration'.
    The only way you have the ability to freeze a number of columns, is in a table visualization. There you can set the number of frozen columns (Properties>>Appearance). But that would mean you have to rebuild your cross table in a different way and probably lose functionality.
    Kind regards,
  17. David Boot-Olazabal's post in Navigating in Spotfire API Application model and Document model was marked as the answer   
    Hello Barbara,
    This article might be a good starting point for you: https://community.spotfire.com/articles/spotfire/spotfire-data-table-source-view-api-overview/.
    Kind regards,
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