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David Boot-Olazabal

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David Boot-Olazabal last won the day on October 6

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  1. Hi Iain, You may want to try something like this: <[Gate Desc] NEST Sum([Hours]) OVER ([Gate Desc])> That would nest your sum([Hours]) withing the hierarchy and calculates it per [Gate Desc]. Kind regards, David
  2. Hi Pamir, I would think you would nee a couple of calculated columns. You need to calculated the day number for previous Saturday as well as the day of sending. Both will result in a the day number. This number can then be used to calculate the days between the day of sending and the previous Saturday, to filter out how many days you need to 'go back in time' to filter. I don't have an example of the code, but maybe this gets you started. Kind regards, David
  3. Hi Iain, I think I got it. I've created a simple data table, with 4 columns. I've added a dropdown list property, as per the below: Based upon the selection of the values of the drop down, a Filter column displays if it is true or not. The Filter column is the CASE statement. This is the view for the 1litre selection: Now, because I have altered your initial CASE statement, the view from the 1litre&2litre selection 'collects' both the 1litre and 2litre engines: And then you can tie the Filter column to your way of filtering out the data. The CASE statement I used to combine both 1litre and 2litre engines, is this one: case when DocumentProperty("EngineModel")="All" THEN [Engine Model]=[Engine Model] WHEN DocumentProperty("EngineModel")="1 litre" THEN [Engine Model]="1litre" WHEN DocumentProperty("EngineModel")="2 litre" THEN [Engine Model]="2litre" WHEN DocumentProperty("EngineModel")="Engine" THEN ([Engine Model]="1litre") or ([Engine Model]="2litre") ELSE [Engine Model]=DocumentProperty("EngineModel") END Kind regards, David
  4. Hi Amit, I think the closest you'll be able to find information on this, is indeed the actionlog. I assume your interested in the time a web user has spend on an analysis file. This information is logged, but you need to do some calculations before you can see the time spend. The initial information is logged as per the below screenshot: The calculation you need to create, is between the logged_time or original_time of the lines load (or load_start) and close. The ARG columns, with the exception of ARG1 being AnalysisDxp, don't hold information that could help. One way to achieve this, is to create a new data table that has been pivoted (add transformation). When you pass ID2 and ARG2 as row identifiers, the Log_Action as columns and the original_time as value columns, you would end up with something like this. In this cross tab, you can then create a datediff calculation that calculates the difference between load_start time and close time: The calculation is as follows (duration being the one that does the subtraction of the load_start and close dates: UniqueConcatenate([load_start]) as [load_start], UniqueConcatenate([close]) as [close], UniqueConcatenate(DateDiff([close],[load_start])) as duration Kind regards, David
  5. Hi Iain, So, the individual values (1litre and 2litre) should be taken into account whenever the dropdown is filtered to Engine (according to the CASE statement). Would it be possible to share some screenshots that include the dropdown values and the table values? Kind regards, David
  6. Hi Black, Please find attached an analysis file that uses a slightly different approach as the other one. This one works better, as it flips the image layer properly. Kind regards, David Image layer toggle final.dxp
  7. Hi Amit, If I'm not mistaken, the auth_login and auth_logout tables capture information for the session as whole. The actionlog table should hold the information about individual analysis files. But it's quite hard to make that connection indeed. Let me have a look at this request and see if I have can find anything you can work with/start from. I'll come back to you as soon as I have something useful. Kind regards, David
  8. Hi Iain, What does your Document property holds as values (the values from the dropdown)? Are these: ALL, Engine and 'the other parts'? And what values does the [Engine Model] column hold? I assume 1litre and 2litre are different values. Is that correct? If so, I think the '&' between "1litre" & "2litre" will be the problem. You could try to concatenate them, into a single string: concatenate("1litre","2litre"). Kind regards, David
  9. Hi Iain, For my understanding, you're trying to combine the option 1 and option 2 values, when the dropdown list is filtered to option 3? And you're struggling to get the combination of option 1 and option 2 into the fixed values of the dropdown list. Is that correct? If so, do you get an error message (you can't save the dropdown list property? Or does it display the value erroneously? Could you share perhaps your dxp file or some screenshots that makes your use case more clear? Because I can't figure out if you just need a concatenate function in the CASE statement (instead of "option 1"&"option2") or that you would need a different approach. Kind regards, David
  10. Hi Amit, If you want to know if it is possible to schedule an update for an analysis file that has also on demand tables, the answer is yes. When scheduling an analysis file, all 'normal' tables will be refreshed at the time of running. On demand data tables will not be refreshed, since they will only 'act' whenever they are called upon, as Olivier pointed out. I have done this many times at customer projects and also in my own test environments. You can just start scheduling your analysis file via the administration console and let it run in the server. When you then open your analysis file, you will see that the data is loaded from the cache, for all tables except the on-demand ones. The latter will only load data, when they're getting triggered. Kind regards, David
  11. Hi Black, The attached .dxp file can get you started. It has 2 images, 2 iron python scripts to toggle the images in the map chart and it uses a data function to fill document properties that you would need to trigger the scripts automatically. For convenience purposes, the scripts are also executable via the buttons in the text area. Kind regards, David Image layer toggle.dxp
  12. This article can help you toggle map layers on and off. In this case, you would have two different image layers you toggle on/off by using an iron python script: You then need to automate that toggling, using a data function that stores the output in different document properties. And each document property toggles one layer off and the other on. If you could share your example dxp file and the different images, we could take a look at it (I'm using SF 14.4, so if you have a lower version, please let us know). Kind regards, David
  13. Hi Black, In the below screenshots, you'll see a vending machine that has color coding added to it based the inventory table. The vending machine is a map chart with image layer and marker layer: The image layer is just a .png file with specific position settings: The marker layer is using the x and y coordinates columns from the inventory table, to localize them on the vending machine image. The marking is set to limit the data by marking, so whenever you select a subset, only that subset is showing in the vending machine image: This is how you an set up your initial marker layer with an image. Kind regards, David
  14. Hi Black, The transportation of coordinates from the marked rows to an image is very well possible. I'll share an example later, but basically, you add your image layer and on top of that, you add a marker layer. The image layer is the warehouse image. The marker layer uses the data from the x/y columns to be placed upon the image layer. It is also possible to toggle between image layers, but I have not yet created an example in which you combine both the toggling of images and placing the marked coordinates in the active image. Kind regards, David
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