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Glenn Hoskins

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  1. Hello, I have added this as a Github issue as well. @Tyler Kendle in the source code you will want to look for a file called donutState.js and specifically this line of code (114): let absPercentage = Math.abs(percentage).toFixed(1); To change this so that it rounds to a whole percentage you need to set the parameter in toFixed() to 0 like this: let absPercentage = Math.abs(percentage).toFixed(0); Ideally this should probably be a configuration option for a strategic solution. You will then have to rebuild and re-sign the mod, of course. (In case somebody is looking for for more than 1 decimal, this is going to need some other code changes because the percentage calculation is also being rounded for some reason. That will need fixing as well beyond making toFixed() parameter greater than 1). Thanks, Glenn
  2. Copyright (c) 2024 Cloud Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of Cloud Software Group, Inc. nor the names of any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT OWNER AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
  3. Hi @Kumud K It looks like this mod only supports horizontal bars, so it would need code modification to support vertical bars. This mod was kindly contributed by @Holger Schimanski and the source code has been published on Github: https://github.com/hski-github/spotfire-scrollable-bar-chart. That could be your starting point for building a vertical bar version. Thanks, Glenn
  4. Hi @Zach, I don't have a detailed algorithm to give you. But essentially what you need to do is find the intersection point between a line (the well trajectory) and some vertical plane (the slice through the wells). The line is going to be composed of a series of points with x,y,z coordinates, and the plane will need to be defined using 4 points with x,y,z coordinates. All those points need to be expressed in the same coordinate space. It's probably going to need some linear algebra to solve for the intersection point. Here's a Stack Overflow article that might help with coming up with the algorithm (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5666222/3d-line-plane-intersection). There are a couple of examples there of how to compute using Python. Because the well trajectory is a series of line segments, there will be the challenge of finding which segment actually intersects the plane, but a properly written algorithm should account for this. Thanks, Glenn
  5. @PaytonG could you try removing the expression from the Size axis? See if that helps. Thanks, Glenn
  6. Version 1.0.0


    The Organization Chart Mod is used to visualize hierarchical structures using parent-child nodes. The classic use case for this is to display reporting lines in corporate organizational hierarchies, but it can be applied against any hierarchical dataset. Try this Mod Spotfire® Analyst Download this mod and follow the instructions below to open the mod in Spotfire Analyst: Open Spotfire® Analyst, and create an analysis by loading some data. Drag the downloaded .mod file into the analysis. The visualization mod is added to the analysis. To learn more about the capabilities and limitations of this visualization mod, read the user guide located in the downloaded folder. For general information on how to use and share visualization mods, read the Spotfire documentation. Data Requirements The Organization Chart Mod will draw a structured hierarchy of nodes. For detailed information on data requirements, the available settings, and an example of how to set up the list, read the mod's community article. Help & Support This Mod for Spotfire® is not supported by Spotfire Support. In the event of issues or to suggest features and enhancements, submit an issue in the Mod's GitHub repository. For general questions about Mods, please post a question in the Forum for Extensions & Mods.
  7. @apreble take a look at this visualization mod as well: Intelligent Narrative Mod for TIBCO Spotfire®, I haven't used this personally so not sure exactly how it works. There is also a note on the page saying you need an Arria NLG account for it to work (which also may not be free).
  8. @apreble kindly provided their data for troubleshooting, and we discovered there was some inconsistencies in the TVD and MD data. The mod does some trigonometric calculations, and the ratio of delta TVD to delta MD between two adjacent rows must be less than zero so it can calculate inclination. This can happen where there are rounding errors. Another issue is we had multiple laterals on the same well name, so there was actually two trajectories in the data, and the mod was getting confused by this. Once we filtered out the inconsistent rows, out and trellised by the lateral it rendered OK. There's now a new released version of the mod in the Exchange (1.2.0) that is more resilient when there are issues with dTVD/dMD. It will now automatically skip these rows, but post a warning icon and log more information about which rows it is unhappy with.
  9. The Organization Chart Mod is used to visualize hierarchical structures using parent-child nodes. The classic use case for this is to display reporting lines in corporate organizational hierarchies, but it can be applied against any hierarchical dataset. Try this Mod in Spotfire Analyst How to Open the Mod Open Spotfire® Analyst, and create an analysis by loading some data. Unzip the downloaded file, and locate the .mod file in the unzipped folder. Drag the file into the analysis. The visualization mod is added to the analysis. To learn about the capabilities and limitations of this visualization mod, keep reading. For general information on how to use and share visualization mods, read the Spotfire documentation.. Upgrading the Mod Changes to axes and internal mod configuration may result in issues when upgrading this mod. For axis changes the mod should be recreated as a new visualization instance. For internal mod configuration changes use the Reset button in mod configuration of existing instances, and then reconfigure as necessary. See Configuring the Organization Chart for more information. Data Requirements Every mod handles missing, corrupted and/or inconsistent data in different ways. It is advised to always review how the data is visualized. This mod requires each data row to be identified by a unique identifier, and linked to parent nodes using the same unique identifier of the parent row. Setting up the Mod The Mod includes the following axes. Not all axis values are mandatory and this will be indicated. Trellis By Optional. The Mod supports trellising with rows being grouped by the value in this axis. Node ID Mandatory. The unique identifier for each row passed into the mod. Parent Node ID Mandatory for rows that have parents. The unique identifier for the parent node for each row passed into the mod. Content Mandatory. Content displayed within each node. This axis can contain multiple columns. See the section on Node Content for more information how this data is processed. Image Optional. Image data displayed in node content. This must be a text column containing image data encoded in Base64. This is required because the mods API does not support passing binary columns into a mod. The axis will accept multiple columns, but only the first will be processed; other columns will be ignored. See the section on [Node Content](#node-content) for more information about how images are displayed. Color Optional. Sets the node background color. See the section on Node Content for other ways the color can be used. Configuring the Mod Additional configuration for the mod can be accessed by clicking on the small settings icon in the upper right corner of the visualization area. This will display the configuration properties over the visualization. Maximize the visualization if necessary to update the fields. The configuration panel will only be accessible when the analysis is in Editing mode. Click the Close button to apply the changes. Navigating to a different Spotfire® page will generally cause changes to be discarded. Click the Reset button to reset configuration back to mod defaults. Group Property Description Remarks Data Row Limit Maximum number of rows to render If the row count is exceeded then an error message will be displayed. This is a safety feature to keep from accidentally rendering too much data. Appearance Enable collapsible hierarchy Allow toggling display of child nodes Appearance Node height Node height in pixels Appearance Node width Node width in pixels Appearance Node padding ancestor Padding between parent and child nodes in pixels Appearance Node padding sibling minimum Padding between sibling nodes in pixels Note that this is a minimum value and the tidy tree algorithm may expand the value between individual sibling pairs Appearance Sibling link offset from ancestor Fractional offset for the sibling link from the ancestor node This must be a value between 0.0 an 1.0. For vertical org charts, this represents the position of horizontal link line segments. For example, if Node padding ancestor is set to 100, and this value is set to 0.25, then the horizontal line will be 25px below the parent. Appearance Node direction Progression direction from parent to child Top to Bottom, Bottom to Top, Left to Right, Right to Left Appearance Node alignment Parent node alignment First Child, Center, Last Child Appearance Set node color Enabled setting the background color of the node content Appearance Node element content HTML template for node content See the section on Node Content for more information Tooltip Show tooltips Display tooltips Trellis Trellis direction Direction for trellis panels Columns or Rows Trellis Max trellis panel count Maximum number of trellis panels to render If the panel count is exceeded then an error message will be displayed. This is a safety feature to keep from accidentally rendering too much data. Node Content This mod supports customization of the node display content. The content is composed using HTML and CSS so some knowledge of these technologies are required to be able to customize. By default, with no user configuration, a node will be composed as follows: Node size as specified in the mod configuration Image axis column displayed to the left. Image must be a text column in Base64 format. Multiple image columns are ignored, only the first is used. Content axis columns displayed to the right, one row per column, centered in remaining space Background color set to the color axis If no image is specified, then the node will look like this: The node content can be influenced with custom expressions in the column configuration. For example, if first name and last name are in separate columns, then a custom expression for the first Content column can be used to combine these into one. For example, using this expression: Concatenate([First Name], " ", [Last Name]) would give the following node display: Note the full name is now on a single line. Because the node content is HTML and CSS, this can be embedded into custom expressions as well to influence how the data is displayed. For example, using this expression: Concatenate("<b><font size='3' color='orange'>",[First Name]," ",[Last Name],"</font></b>") would give the following node display: This uses basic HTML tags to bold the name, change it to orange, and set the size to 3. For more advanced control over the node content, the Node element content mod configuration can be customized. The default node configuration that renders the previous examples is this: <div class="border flex-row start-center"> <img src="${image}"/> <div class="fill">${contentStr}</div> </div> Bear in mind that the content must fit within the defined Node height and Node width settings. Any elements going outside this area will be clipped. There are a number of classes included here, which users can make use of to compose their own content. Class Element Remarks flex-row div Flexbox row layout, height and width 100% flex-col div Flexbox column layout, height and width 100% fill div Flexbox grow to fill space start-center div Flexbox alignment for justify-content and align-items center-center div Flexbox alignment for justify-content and align-items end-center div Flexbox alignment for justify-content and align-items start-start div Flexbox alignment for justify-content and align-items center-start div Flexbox alignment for justify-content and align-items end-start div Flexbox alignment for justify-content and align-items start-end div Flexbox alignment for justify-content and align-items center-end div Flexbox alignment for justify-content and align-items end-end div Flexbox alignment for justify-content and align-items border div 1px solid border color #CCCCCC with 5px padding flex-row > img img Images inside flex-row are height 100% with 5% right padding flex-col > img img Images inside flex-col are width 100% with 5% bottom padding circle img Makes a circular image. The base image must be square for undistorted result. Beyond these sample classes, any custom styling can be applied using style attributes and standard CSS configuration. Data can be accessed using JavaScript literal template notation. For example, to refer to the image data, use this expression: ${image} The following template literals are available: Template Data Axis Remarks ${nodeId} Node ID ${parentNodeId} Parent Node ID ${contentStr} Content Single string representation, with each column on a single line ${contentObj} Content Object representation, can refer to specific columns mapped into the axis by name: ${contentObj["First Name"]} ${contentArr} Content Array representation, can refer to specific columns mapped into the axis by index: ${contentObj[0]} ${image} Image Automatically prefixed with the value data:image/png;base64 which will convert Base64 data into a binary image ${color} Color The template engine replaces null or undefined expression evaluations with empty strings, so if your expected output isn't visible, this may be why. Also, if an expression results in an error, the template engine will return ERROR and the error details will be visible in the console. Here are a few examples of customized node content. <div class="border flex-row start-center"> <img src="${image}"/> <div class="fill flex-col center-center"> <div style="font-weight:bold;">${contentObj["First Name"]} ${contentObj["Last Name"]}</div> <div style="font-style:italic;font-size:10px">${contentObj["Job Title"]}</div> </div> </div> For the following example Set node color configuration is set to false. <div class="border flex-row start-center"> <img src="${image}"/> <div class="fill flex-col center-center" style="color:white;background-color:${color}"> <div style="font-weight:bold;">${contentObj["First Name"]} ${contentObj["Last Name"]}</div> <div style="font-style:italic;font-size:10px">${contentObj["Job Title"]}</div> </div> </div> For the following example Set node color configuration is set to false. <div style="margin-left:33px;width:calc(100% - 33px);color:white;background-color:${color};" class="border flex-row start-center"> <img style="margin-left:-33px;height:60px" class="circle" src="${image}"/> <div class="fill flex-col center-center"> <div style="font-weight:bold;">${contentObj["First Name"]} ${contentObj["Last Name"]}</div> <div style="font-style:italic;font-size:10px">${contentObj["Job Title"]}</div> </div> </div> These are all using flex-row layouts. But components can be displayed in a column as well using flex-col layouts. For the following example Node height is set to 140 and Node width is set to 70. <div class="border flex-col start-center"> <img src="${image}"/> <div class="fill flex-col center-center"> <div style="font-weight:bold;">${contentObj["First Name"]} ${contentObj["Last Name"]}</div> <div style="font-style:italic;font-size:10px">${contentObj["Job Title"]}</div> </div> </div> For the following example Node height is set to 140, Node width is set to 70, and Set node color is set to false. <div style="margin-top:40px;height:calc(100% - 40px);color:white;background-color:${color};" class="border flex-col start-center"> <img style="margin-top:-40px;width:70px;" class="circle" src="${image}"/> <div class="fill flex-col center-center"> <div style="font-weight:bold;">${contentArr[0]} ${contentArr[1]}</div> <div style="font-style:italic;font-size:10px">${contentArr[2]}</div> </div> </div> Using the Mod Once the mod is configured it will render a hierarchy of nodes. The mod will keep track of the node open/close state and positions for vertical and horizontal scroll bars so the view will re-render as last displayed when switching between pages. Marking The mod supports marking of nodes if configured. Click a node to mark it. Use CTRL-Click to add additional rows to the marking, or remove an already marked row. To clear the marking, click in any open area. The mod also supports rectangular marking. Building the Project In a terminal window: npm install npm start In a new terminal window: npm run server Help and Support This Mod is not supported by Spotfire® Support. In the event of issues or to suggest features and enhancements, submit an issue in the Mod's GitHub repository. For general questions about Mods, please post a question in the Forum for Extensions & Mods to make it visible and routed to the appropriate team(s) to respond. More Information About Spotfire® Mods Spotfire® Visualization Mods on the Spotfire® Community Exchange: A safe and trusted place to discover ready-to-use Mods Spotfire® Mods Developer Documentation: Introduction and tutorials for Mods Developers Mods by Spotfire®: A public repository for example projects
  10. Hi, Coloring will only apply to Fill and Value rows in this mod. So you'll need to have some of those in your data in order for coloring to work. For a Fill you just need a single row, and it will fill from the top to the MD of that Fill row. For Value rows, it helps to have several of them and it will fill +/- half way to the next value MD following the wellbore profile. Thanks, Glenn
  11. Hi Julien, We're currently in the release process for an Organization Chart Mod which you can use to display hierarchical data. Keep an eye out on the Visualization Mods section of Exchange and you will be able to download it there. I'll stick a quick screenshot below so you can see what it will look like. Thanks Glenn
  12. Hi Kris, Ah glad that got you on track. If you clear the expression entirely from the Size axis then it should just use a default size. But if you're happy with the 10, then go with that. In the screenshot above that table is setup to filter by marking, so it's only showing the rows in the table that I had selected in the diagram. If you haven't done so, I'd suggest downloading the sample DXP from Github. There's a full data table in that analysis that you can use as an example. You can download that from this link. In the data folder there's also an Excel workbook with the raw data as well. That's great to hear you're getting good use from it! Thanks, Glenn
  13. Not sure about this one. Does the original well still work? Make sure your filter by marking is picking up all the rows. And make sure you don't have any empty values in MD or TVD.
  14. Ah that's good, your original screenshot looked different than mine so was wondering if that was it. The console with the red was as expected, that more or less says it can't identify the trajectory rows. Layer Type is used to identify the type of data in each row. So the axis must either be set to a column in the underlying data table, or it can be set as an expression. We just set it as an expression with a literal string of "Trajectory", so every single row will be treated as a trajectory row. But if you had a column in your data table, just say it was called LayerType and had a value in that column for every row of Trajectory (as a string) then it would work the same way. Ultimately when you add other layer types, say a perforation, plug value, etc then you will have to use the data table column method to identify the rows. The column value needs to match exactly one of the following, and its case-sensitive: Trajectory Value Fill Perforation Gun Plugs There's more info in this article section. This is all a workaround because we can't send multiple data tables into a mod. Glad you got it working. Glenn
  15. Could I get you to try one more thing as well, please? Set the value of the Layer Type axis to exactly this value: <"Trajectory"> Including the <> and quotes and exact same case. Thanks, Glenn
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