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Niklas Amberntsson

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  1. @Amit Nex and @David Boot-Olazabal Thank you both for noticing the issue in the documentation. I can confirm that the set_page event is logged when using action controls and also when switching pages using Iron Python scripts. I will make sure the documentation is updated.
  2. Spotfire 14.4 elevates analytical automation and customization, introducing Spotfire Action Mods that empower users to create and deploy tailored analytical actions effortlessly. These reusable components streamline tasks across all analytic elements, from visualizations to data manipulation, making analysis faster and more insightful. Engineers and scientists in manufacturing, energy, and other complex industries can benefit from tailored workflows and domain-specific enhancements. Application builders and developers can integrate and share these actions organization-wide, improving efficiency and collaboration. Administrators gain robust control with new Batch Edit and scheduling capabilities in Spotfire, now with the ability to create and deploy Automation Services jobs that operate on any number of analyses, simplifying the update and maintenance of analyses across the Spotfire library. Back to the What's New in Spotfire landing page. Action mods Action mods extend Spotfire with a new type of lightweight reusable action component that can be tailored for specific domains and use cases. Using actions within visual analytics provides extensive options for carrying out tasks and enhancing workflows across all analytic elements, spanning from visualizations to data. An action mod is a collection of actions (scripts) that are packaged together making them easy to share and reuse. Actions can be added to various controls and triggers in visualizations as well as text areas as part of an analytic application, or they can be initiated directly from the new Actions flyout or from the Spotfire library. Triggers can be added to visualizations using the new Action trigger card in the Visualization properties panel, or using drag-and-drop from the Actions flyout. Action mods follow the same development principles as visualization mods, with external source code control (in e.g. GitHub), modern IDE with syntax highlighting and code completion (e.g. Visual Studio Code) with live debugging in Spotfire. Action mods can be distributed as .mod files and shared through the Spotfire library. The security model is based on a trust mechanism and sandboxed execution. Similar to IronPython scripts, Action mods use the comprehensive Spotfire API for accessing Spotfire analytic items and services, which allows for implementing actions such as: Create and configure visualizations Drill down or up in hierarchical data Navigate to pages and visualizations Run data functions and transformations Apply page layouts and much more Actions annotate between Monreo and Jackson MP4.mp4 For information on how to develop action mods, see the Spotfire® Mods website on GitHub. Automation Batch edit analysis files It is now possible to automate the processing and modification of large sets of analysis files stored in the Spotfire library by using custom scripts. The scripts calls the Spotfire API to detect and make changes in the files. This approach is valuable and time-saving when the library contains a large number of analysis files that require similar edits. Manual handling of such tasks would be tedious and time-consuming. The possible edits that can be done is limited by what is exposed in the Spotfire API. Some examples include: Cleaning up analysis files by removing unreferenced items, such as markings, filtering schemes and data tables. Update scripts in analysis files to use a newer IronPython version Embed jQuery/jQueryUI library instances in text areas and modify JavaScript scripts to avoid referencing libraries used internally by Spotfire This functionality is made possible by the new Automation Services tasks for looping and scripting in combination with other tasks, such as open/save analysis file. See the documentation for more information. Export and Distribute personalized reports Distribute a single report as multiple, separate PDFs, where visualizations and key indicators are personalized to different target recipients based on selected filter values, bookmarks, and/or document properties. This ensures only the relevant data is shared to each stakeholder, without unnecessary information. This functionality is enabled by the new ForEach Automation Services tasks now available from Automation Services Job Builder in Spotfire Analyst. For example, a report developer can use the ForEach task to loop over a list bookmarks which filters the data in the report that will be exported. The report can then be sent to different email addresses. See the documentation about emailing reports using a single analysis for more information. Looping and Scripting in Automation Services Automation Services jobs now support looping and scripting with two new tasks: ForEach and Execute Script. These new powerful tasks can be used together and combined with the other built-in Automation Services tasks to implement an almost unlimited number of automation use cases. The ForEach task allows jobs to iterate over a user-defined input table containing property values such as file paths, filter values, bookmark names or email addresses. For each row of the input table, a series of other tasks is executed with the property values of the current row inserted into various text fields of the other tasks. The Execute Script task enables fully customized automation jobs. The task runs a user-defined IronPython script that through the Spotfire API can read and modify pages, visualizations, data tables, filters, embedded scripts and other content of an analysis file. More granular and easier repetition patterns for scheduled Automation Service jobs You can use now common recurrence rules when you schedule an Automation Services job For example: hourly: every X hours daily: every X days weekly: every X weeks monthly: every X months Recurrency rules simplify event scheduling, improve efficiency, enhance consistency, and provide a structured approach to managing events, ultimately leading to better time management and organization. Data connectivity Web UI and OAuth for Databricks and Apache Spark SQL You can now use the web client to create and modify connections to Databricks and other Apache Spark SQL based data sources. The new web UI (also available in the installed client) allows for selecting OAuth2 as authentication method (in addition to username/password and Windows authentication) for SSO and safe personalized login. When needed, connections can be customized by using custom connection properties for data source or driver specific settings. Note: Some connection authoring capabilities, such as configuring prompts, writing custom queries, and defining primary key columns, are only available when you use the installed client. For details, see the documentation. Administration improvements Better Library search for specific mod types With the addition of action mods, you can no longer search for type:mod directly when searching the library. Instead, you can either search for the specific mod types visualizationmod (using type:visualization) or actionmod (using type:action), or, use a wildcard character and search for type:*mod to find all mods. More options available for configuring library compression Previously, library items were compressed based on the configuration library.compressed-content.enabled, which could be either true or false. However, sometimes you might want to switch off library item compression for just some item types. For example, columns can take up more space in the library when compressed. Now, you can also switch off compression of specific library types by configuring the multivalued property library.compressed-content.disabled-lib-types.type, using the set-config-list-prop (or the set-config-prop) command. For more information, see Changing the configuration for library compression. Updated My Account page with more functionality The My Account page layout has been changed by moving the different sections previously listed in the page into separate tabs, such as: Account information, Trusted signers and items, Manage logins and Signatures. Download Spotfire Windows Client There is also a Downloads tab available in the Spotfire Server UI where you can download the installer for a Spotfire client and connect it to a Spotfire Server. Note: An administrator can remove the Downloads tab, if desired. See Removing the downloads tab for more information. Web Player REST API for updating an analysis The new Web Player REST API allows an application to update a Spotfire Web Player analysis. Note: For easy documentation reference, you can browse the API with the Swagger UI on your server: https://<spotfire-server>/spotfire/api/swagger-ui.html?urls.primaryName=web-player. Note: For easy development of stubs in any language, you can download the OAS (Open API Specification) from: https://<spotfire-server>/spotfire/api/v2/api-docs?group=web-player.
  3. With Spotfire 14.3, users analyzing data in the Spotfire Web client can leverage web UIs for analyzing data from Microsoft SQL Server, and for Document Properties, and Administrators get more advanced security settings for authentication and encryption. This release also introduces the preview of the visualization properties panel as available as default to all users. Back to the What's New in Spotfire landing page. Web UI for analyzing data in SQL Server Users of the Spotfire Web Client and now create and modify connections to Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and Azure Synapse Analytics from the Spotfire web client. Web UI for Document Properties Spotfire's Document Properties are used to configure and build analytic applications. The new Document Properties panel enables adding, removing, and editing document properties both in the installed client and the web client. Additionally, users will benefit from enhanced visibility into how document properties influence analyses, including the ability to pinpoint which parts of an analysis are affected by a specific property, identify where a property value is utilized, and even determine if a property triggers a script upon alteration, with the added convenience of directly navigating to the relevant visualization. Document Properties in Spotfire are a powerful concept, serving as dynamic variables that enable users to customize and control various aspects of their analyses. These properties can be utilized to drive conditional formatting, filter data, control calculations, and trigger scripts based on user interactions. The flexibility and versatility of Document Properties empower users to tailor their analyses to specific requirements and seamlessly adapt them to changing business needs. New visualizations properties panel - in preview This release makes the new visualization authoring experience available (in preview) to all users to try out in the web client and the installed client, and features new properties and appearance cards including the ability to assign colors and shapes to data points, configure tooltips information, and additional visualization settings. You open the new visualization properties panel from the "View" menu of the Spotfire toolbar. The new visualization properties panel makes visualization authoring easier, more efficient, and unifies the experience in the web client and the installed client. It is: Easy to use: All properties have one consistent design across all visualization types. The panel only shows properties that are applied to the selected visualizations. Users simply add more properties to enrich visualizations. Searchable: Users can just search to find properties and settings to edit or add. Efficient: Users can configure multiple selected visualizations simultaneously and reuse configurations across visualizations through drag and drop. Scalable: The new panel is designed for scale and will allow Spotfire to be extended with more visualization capabilities in the future. Not all visualizations properties and functionalities are available yet in the new properties panel. The existing properties dialogs can be used side-by-side with the new experience, and they are still the default for configuring visualizations. Here is a video demonstrating the new visualization properties panel. 3. What is New in Spotfire 14.2 - visual analytics DEMO.mp4 Administration Increased security for secrets in the database For increased security, secrets stored in the Spotfire database (such as service account credentials) are now encrypted using AES-GCM instead of the previously used AES-CBC. Note: Cipher-Block Chaining (CBC) does not provide integrity guarantees. The Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) algorithm provides both data authenticity (integrity) and confidentiality and belongs to the class of authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) methods. For more information, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation. Configure key length when encrypting secrets The length of the key used when encrypting secrets stored in the Spotfire database (such as service account credentials) is now configurable using the config-encryption command. Additional security for OIDC and OAuth2 using Pushed Authorization Requests Pushed authorization requests (PAR) are now used as an additional security measure when authenticating users using OpenID Connect and when performing an OAuth2 flow to access an external data source - if the OpenID Connect provider or OAuth2 Authorization Server supports it. PAR is defined in the RFC9126 "OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests" and is part of the OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practices. Additional security for OIDC and OAuth2 using PKCE Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) is now used as an additional security measure when authenticating users using OpenID Connect and when performing an OAuth2 flow to access an external data source. PKCE (pronounced "pixy") is defined in the RFC7636 "Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients" and is part of the OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practices. Improved job distribution in Automation Services For scheduled updates or Automation Services jobs, all running instances are now considered as eligible targets when the available capacity changes for one instance. This change is done to spread the jobs more evenly.
  4. Share insights in enhanced KPI charts and with nicely formatted exports to Excel, and deploy your Spotfire system on cloud or on-premises with Red Hat, Ubuntu or Debian Linux distributions. Leverage the R universe of data science algorithms and better integration with data sources using OAuth2/OIDC authentication and authorization. More than 80 new features have been added since the last Long Term Support release, Spotfire 12.0 LTS. To return to the What's New in Spotfire page for all releases click here. Visual Analytics Scalable and formatted KPI charts Dynamically scaling KPI charts makes it easier to share analyses that will be consumed by users using different types of screens. Use fine-grained settings to control the appearance of KPI charts such as the font size and the number of KPIs per row. These settings help report developers seeking to convey essential metrics and performance indicators effectively, in a clear and concise way, for users on any device and screen. Share formatted table visualizations as Excel spreadsheets Share insights, results, and data in pretty formatted spreadsheets with Spotfire?s ?What You See Is What You Get? Excel export. Tables, cross tables, summary tables, and graphical tables are exported WYSIWYG, preserving layout, styling, and formatting. No more manual formatting to make the spreadsheet look like the table in Spotfire, export and easily share with your colleagues, and you?re done. Find your favorite analysis faster Favorites makes it dead easy to find your most commonly used analysis, data source or any library asset you want. Just add them as favorite assets when browsing the library, and then easily find them in the favorites section when starting Spotfire, or when adding additional assets to your analysis. Favorites was originally launched in Spotfire 12.5. Easier and smoother data wrangling Wrangle your data using the popular Data canvas, which is now even better. The new sidebar provides a better overview of all the data tables and data functions in your analysis, configure key columns, data properties, and reload data directly from the Data canvas. Add column descriptions, geocoding settings, copy column formatting, and sort orders from the Data in the analysis flyout. Data Access Connectivity single sign-on Enjoy smoother authentication in Information Services data sources when connecting to data using OAuth2 and OpenID Connect refresh tokens that can be reused across sessions, and support for different identity providers for Spotfire and the data source. Less prompting and interruption make it easier to focus on the analytics task at hand by avoiding repetitive logins. These improvements were releases in Spotfire 12.5. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Spotfire now supports accessing data from Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Google Analytics 4 is the current generation of Google Analytics. Google is retiring the previous generation, Universal Analytics, which Spotfire already supports. From this version of Spotfire, to access your legacy Universal Analytics data, select Connect to > Google Analytics (Universal Analytics). Databricks Unity Catalog The Spotfire connector for Databricks now supports accessing data from Databricks Unity Catalog. Data Science Bring your own R environment Power your visualizations with seamlessly integrated data science built using the vast universe of open-source R packages for data science available for mathematics, statistics, and industry-specific applications. The Spotfire Service for R enables you to bring your own R environment to Spotfire. With open-source R, users can leverage R packages and libraries developed for your own flavor of R, unlocking a wider range of statistical and data analysis techniques with more options and flexibility to address diverse analytical and data science tasks. BYOA - Bring your own Python Often developers require to use a specific Python version and Python modules versions. You can now deploy and use your preferred Python distribution with the Spotfire Service for Python. BYOA "Bring Your Own Application" allows users to choose their applications, instead of the preselected by the employer or the predefined by the software suite. Note: To use an alternative Python distribution, install the Python packages and set the environment variable SPOTFIRE_PYTHON_HOME to point to that installation. If the environment variable SPOTFIRE_PYTHON_HOME is not specified, then Python service will use the bundled version of Python. Note: For consistency, the deployed Python version must be the same for all the Spotfire Service for Python instances within the same Spotfire deployment area. Note: Python 3.7 or higher is required. Administration Configure version history per analysis An analyst can enable or disable the version history setting per analysis in the library from within the Spotfire Analyst client. You can modify this setting for the current opened analysis within the Library section options in the Document Properties dialog. You need write permissions on the analysis for changing this setting. A system administrator can configure if the version history is enabled or disabled on every item by default. If enabled, end users can opt out of saving versions for the analysis file they work on, if disabled by default, the end user can instead opt in to save versions of the analysis they are working on. Note: For more information, see the Switching off library versioning in the Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration manual. SCIM API includes sub-attribute type RFC7643 defines a sub-attribute of the groups attribute called type with the defined values direct and indirect. The groups attribute of the SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) user schema now includes the type sub-attribute. When using the SCIM API with the type sub-attribute, it is possible to determine which groups a user or group is a direct member of. SCIM API supports pagination The Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) API now supports pagination. Improved graceful shutdown behavior for Spotfire Server instances You can now perform a rolling restart (e.g. one at a time) of Spotfire Server instances when a graceful shutdown is initiated. A graceful shutdown is initiated: when it is explicitly called (e.g. with graceful-shutdown.sh) when configuration changes are detected (disabled by default). To enable this setting, set lifecycle.changes-monitoring.draining.rolling.enabled to true. Note: To configure how long a Spotfire Server instance should wait for another instance, set lifecycle.changes-monitoring.draining.rolling.maxwait-seconds. The default is lifecycle.changes-monitoring.draining.timeout-seconds (default 120 seconds). Note: For larger clusters, it might be beneficial to restart more than one instance at a time. If so, set lifecycle.changes-monitoring.draining.rolling.max-unavailable to the desired value. The default is 1. Note: For more information, see Graceful shutdown configuration settings, in the Spotfire documentation. Better Scheduled Updates load distribution Scheduled updates (SU) now assign destinations when this is claimed from the queue for initial loading of analysis files. In previous Spotfire versions, the destination for a job was assigned at enqueue time. Updates are handled as before. In addition to this change, when there are many instances with available slots, each instance takes one item until all available slots are filled, or until the queue is empty. This change affects both Automation Services and Scheduled Updates job handling. This provides a much better load distribution for cases with either uneven load duration or when some instance is restarted, since the routing decision to an instance is decided only if there is an available scheduled updates slot. Note: Depending on of the number of SU started around the same time, the difference in load time for each SU, and the number of Spotfire Web Player instances available, you might need to change the configured concurrentUpdates value in the Spotfire Web Player service configuration. Note: To revert to the previous behavior, set the configuration option scheduled-updates.compatibility.assign-destination-before-queuing to true. For more information, see the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config file documentation. New command to list the number of named users per named user license that Spotfire has been assigned to The new server Command Line Interface command show-named-users-licenses provides a summary of how many user that have been assigned Spotfire named users licenses, such as Spotfire Analyst, Spotfire Business Author and Spotfire Consumer. This makes it easy for system administrators to ensure they are deploying the Spotfire licenses to the correct number of named users for each product license. Example usage: $ config show-named-user-licenses License Users -------------------------- ----- Spotfire Analyst 1 Spotfire Business Author 3 Spotfire Consumer 2 Spotfire Network Analytics 0 To extract detailed information about licenses and users, see cli command 'show-licenses' The above example shows the output of the show-named-users-licenses command, and in this case means that the admin of the system have assigned 1 Spotfire Analyst named user, 3 Spotfire Business Author named users, and 2 Spotfire Consumer named users. For more details about Spotfire Product Licensing please see: https://docs.tibco.com/pub/spotfire_server/latest/doc/html/TIB_sfire_server_tsas_admin_help/server/topics/spotfire_product_licenses.html System requirements and capabilities Eclipse Temurin is the embedded JDK The Spotfire installation packages now include the Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK instead of the Oracle Java Development Kit used in previous versions. Note: Eclipse Temurin is the name of the OpenJDK distribution from Adoptium. The Eclipse Adoptium Working Group is the successor of AdoptOpenJDK. The primary goal of Adoptium is to promote and support free and open-source high-quality runtimes and associated technology for use across the Java ecosystem. Debian 12 is now supported for the Spotfire platform Debian 12 is now supported as the operating system for all Spotfire services. Note: Debian 12 "bookworm" was released on 2023-06-10. Debian releases typically have 5 years support. PostgreSQL 15 supported as the Spotfire DB Spotfire now supports PostgreSQL version 15 as the Spotfire Server DB. PostgreSQL version 15 is the latest stable version. PostgreSQL version 15 is the latest version supported by the major Cloud providers. SQL Server 2022 supported as the Spotfire DB Spotfire now supports SQL Server 2022 as the Spotfire Server DB. Microsoft SQL Server 2022 is the latest stable version. Microsoft SQL Server 2022 is the latest version supported by the major Cloud providers. APIs / SDK Library REST API for Library asset management The new Library REST API (v2) allows an external application to manage library assets. The Library REST API supports the following operations: list items show item details download item upload item delete item search items using library search expressions The Library REST API supports also version history operations. The Library REST API simplifies promotion and migration operations between Spotfire environments and facilitates automation with CI/CD pipelines. Note: For easy documentation reference, you can browse the API documentation with the Swagger UI: https://acme/spotfire/api/swagger-ui.html?urls.primaryName=library-v2. Note: For easy development of stubs in any language, you can download the OAS (Open API Specification) from: https://acme/spotfire/api/v2/api-docs?group=library-v2 . Distribution file bundle It is now possible to, in addition to package files (.spk), also bundle distribution files (.sdn) into a distribution file. This allows for easier distribution of multiple products as one distributable unit and at the same time maintaining the products separately. New APIs to customize the KPI chart Additions to the KPI chart API give developers more control over the KPI chart's visual layout and formatting. The following properties have been added to the KpiChart class: MinVisibleTiles - The minimum number of visible tiles in the KPI chart. MinTilesPerRow - The number of tiles to show per row. NewRowPerKpi - When enabled, the tiles for each KPI start on their own row. ShowTitlesForKpis - Displays the KpiVisualization Title above each KPI. AdditionalSpacingBetweenKpis - Adds additional spacing between KPIs. BaseFontMetadata - Allows overriding the base font used in the KPI chart. PreferredRelativeTileWidth - Sets the minimum tile width. And more... Since the last Spotfire LTS, Spotfire 12.0, more than 80 new features for Analysts, Consumers, and Administrators have been implemented. See the full list below. Visual Analytics Library favorites Tags for web authors Format dates using ISO weeks and years standard Export data to the library for web authors Export data to file for web authors Data in analysis flyout from data canvas Column from marked for web authors Manage Markings with a new Markings panel Export formatted tables, cross tables, graphical tables, and summary tables to Excel Scalable and flexible KPI chart layout and formatting Context menus for filters in text areas Data Wrangling Skip automatic column matches Insert hierarchy for web authors Configure key columns from the data canvas View column & data table properties in the data canvas Data table settings from data canvas Reload all or linked data sources from the data canvas Copy column formatting from data in analysis flyout Copy sort order settings from data in analysis flyout Geocoding settings from data in analysis flyout Data canvas sidebar Column description from data in analysis flyout Data tables & columns properties overview in data canvas Manage columns and data table properties from the data canvas "Reload for each user" setting in the data canvas Data Science New look for data functions Automation Services Task to run Data functions Faster Python execution Spotfire Service for R Actions Configurable labels and descriptions in action input prompts Optional parameters for Actions User Action logging for Actions Easier to use external actions through type support Conditional Actions Data Connectivity Analyze data in Amazon Redshift Serverless TDV connector OAuth support Improved logging in Information Services JDBC data source template validation Initiate OAuth2 flow from Information Services Prompt for data source username and password in Information Designer OpenID Connect /OAuth2 refresh token persistence and token management Work with stored data connections in the TIBCO Cloud Spotfire web client Connector for TIBCO Data Virtualization supports BOOLEAN Analyze data in Google Analytics GA4 Analyze data in Databricks Unity Catalog Configure fetch size option in connections to Oracle Administration Automation Task to Run Data Function Users page: split view to manage user details Groups page: split view to manage group details New argument for config-encryption Information Services runs in its own subprocess on the TIBCO Spotfire Server Improved robustness by creating new data source connections on separate threads Data source included in Information Services log file Support for cobranding packages in zip format Improved library search for users New library item search options for version history Updated command for deleting library versions New command to remove a member from a group New cli command to delete Web Player state Configure use of OpenID Connect token hints using the command line Configure minimum- and maximum-length password Change Web Player logging level within web UI Use login_hint in OIDC authentication requests Set required scopes for identity providers in data source template Add Search expressions in the Spotfire Library URL Increased security of Spotfire services communication Distributed Spotfire services communication Ignite cache replicationFaster detection of client connection failures Configurable timeout for Ignite cache operations Improved memory management for Spotfire Web Player REST API for managing, uploading and downloading library items Configure version history per analysis from the Spotfire Analyst UI BYOA - Bring your own Python SCIM user schema updated SCIM API updated Improved graceful shutdown behavior for Spotfire Server instances Better Scheduled Updates load distribution New CLI command to see the number of assigned named users for Spotfire Analyst, Business Author and Consumer System requirements Support for Ubuntu for all Spotfire services Support for RHEL for all Spotfire services Debian 12 is now supported for all Spotfire services Eclipse Temurin is the embedded JDK PostgreSQL 15 supported as the Spotfire DB SQL Server 2022 supported as the Spotfire DB Developer API and SDK Distribution file bundle Upgrading to Spotfire 14 Thinking about upgrading to Spotfire 14? Check these helpful notes.
  5. This document (including, without limitation, any product roadmap or statement of direction data) illustrates the planned testing, release and availability dates for Spotfire products and services. It is for informational purposes only and its contents are subject to change without any notice. We are glad that you are interested in upgrading to Spotfire 14.0 LTS. Look forward to more powerful data wrangling, leveraging the R universe of data science algorithms and working more easily with data sources using OAuth2/OIDC authentication and authorization. Share insights in enhanced KPI charts and with nicely formatted exports to Excel, and deploy your Spotfire system on cloud or on premises with Red Hat, Ubuntu or Debian Linux distributions. See What's coming in Spotfire for a full list of new capabilities. In this article we have collected some pre-information about what administrators may need to consider when planning your upgrade to Spotfire 14.0 LTS before it is released. When you are starting the actual upgrade please refer to the product documentation, starting with the release notes. The most important changes in Spotfire 14.0 LTS are: Spotfire branding. Since the product is now branded Spotfire rather than TIBCO Spotfire, default installation path and service names are changed. TSSS Server removed. The legacy TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services server is no longer provided. Instead use the Spotfire Services for TERR, Python and open source R. The TIBCO-branded versions of Progress DataDirect JDBC drivers are removed and no longer supported in this version of Spotfire. TIBCO ODBC drivers for Apache Spark SQL, Apache Cassandra and MongoDB have been removed. Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK replaces Oracle Java as the embedded JDK distribution. Read further for more details. Major changes per version since Spotfire 11.4 LTS This section highlights the major system requirements changes and other system changes that are relevant for the administrators that are considering to upgrade from an earlier version of Spotfire to Spotfire 14.0 LTS. System requirements changes Version Change 11.5 Microsoft .NET Framework needs to be upgraded to version 4.8 where Spotfire Analyst, Web Player, or Automation Services are running 11.5 Dropped support for Microsoft Windows 7 and 8 for Spotfire Analyst. 11.7 Oracle 12c (release 1 and 2) is no longer supported as the Spotfire database. 11.7 Oracle 18c is no longer supported as the Spotfire database. 11.7 Microsoft Windows 8.1 is no longer a supported operating system for Spotfire Analyst. 12.0 PostgreSQL 11 is no longer supported as the Spotfire database. 12.0 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 and Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 are no longer supported operating systems. 12.0 CentOS 8 is no longer a supported operating system 12.0 It is no longer supported to run Spotfire on 32-bit operating systems. 14.0 Debian 10 is no longer a supported operating system 14.0 Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 is no longer a supported operating system. Significant platform changes This table lists changes of the Spotfire platform that may be important for customers that are upgrading to Spotfire 14.0 LTS. Version Change 11.5 jQuery/jQueryUI are removed and have to be added if used For more information, see . 11.7 The AngularJS-based API for custom login pages has been removed A new API with the same capabilities is now provided as part of the Cobranding feature. The API is written in vanilla JavaScript, not in AngularJS. This means that using the new API does not require knowledge about a specific front-end framework and it is not subject to framework-breaking changes. 11.7 Spotfire database cannot be used as default join database for Information Services The functionality to use the Spotfire database to join data sources in Information Services (default join database) has been removed. For more information, see on the Community. 12.0 Large schema changes in the Spotfire Database to enable versioning and compression With the new feature library version history, the Spotfire library size might increase very fast for storing multiple versions, and also during background compression of existing content. Each version is a complete copy of the item, not an incremental one. Depending on your Spotfire usage, the Spotfire storage (the Spotfire database or object storage) utilization might increase very fast (for example, if you have many users who frequently save their analyses with embedded data, or if you have frequently running Automation Services jobs). For such situations, automated pruning using the delete-library-versions command is strongly recommended. 12.0 Java 17.0 Drivers, custom extensions etc needs to be verified to work with JDK 17 12.0 There are now two different distribution files available, one for Windows and one for Linux These files can be deployed to the same deployment area, or to separate areas. For the language packs, each language now has two different distribution files: one contains the complete set of language resources that cover both Windows and Linux, and one contains only the resources that are needed for a Web Player on Linux. 12.0 The file system paths in the some Automation Services tasks can no longer use relative paths Applies to Export Data to File, Export Image, Export Report to PDF, Export to PDF, Send Email 12.1 Information Services runs in its own sub-process on the Spotfire Server Information Services, used for accessing data with JDBC, now runs in its own subprocess on the same computer as the Spotfire Server. The purpose of this change is to enhance stability and enable isolation of the Spotfire Server and Information Services in different JVMs. Be aware of the following technical changes: The location for the log files has changed to logs/informationservices. In new installations, JDBC drivers for Information Services should be placed in the directory custom-ext-informationservices. A new configuration command config-information-services-process is available. The JMX monitoring workflow for information services has changed. The default information services communication port is 9444. 12.2 Changes to included data source templates for Information Services In new installations of Spotfire Server, the included data source templates for Information Services have changed in two ways: The PostgreSQL data source template is now enabled by default The following data source templates are no longer included: DB2 DB2 TYPE4 MySQL, MySQL5 Oracle Netezza SAS/SHARE SQL Server 2000, SQL Server (JTDS) Sybase, Sybase (JTDS) Note: If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Spotfire, no changes are made to the templates in your installation. 12.3 Removed support for pre-5.5 DXP file formats Spotfire analysis files older than version 5.5 can no longer be opened. 12.3 Updated Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server Due to changed default behavior for encryption settings, you might have to make modifications if you are not using an encrypted JDBC connection to Microsoft SQL Server. For more information, see . 12.4 Removed TIBCO ODBC drivers for Apache Spark SQL, Apache Cassandra, and MongoDB The TIBCO Drivers package, which includes ODBC drivers for Apache Spark SQL, Apache Cassandra, and MongoDB, is removed. The drivers are no longer included with Spotfire. If you were using any of these drivers to access data in Spotfire, you can no longer use those drivers with this version of Spotfire, and you will need to obtain your own drivers to access data in Spotfire. Migrate to a different driver using the following steps. Apache Spark SQL To access data with the connector for Apache Spark SQL, install one of the other supported drivers. See the system requirements. MongoDB To access data from MongoDB in Spotfire, use the connector for MySQL with the ODBC driver for MongoDB Connector for BI. See the system requirements. Apache Cassandra To access data from Apache Cassandra, you must use a different driver with the Load data from ODBC, OLE DB, or ADO.NET data provider functionality. 12.5 Content Security Policy response header set by default A Content Security Policy response is set on all responses except for the Web Player service. This additional extra security layer might affect custom functionality deployed through cobranding packages or similar. Any violations to the policy will be logged to the new log file csp-violations.log. Review this log and adjust the policy if needed. 12.5 Triggers in the database: Changes required on upgrade with Oracle as the Spotfire database The new functionality Save items as favorites in the library uses triggers in the database to store favorites. Previously, the privilege to use triggers was not granted by the installation script for the Spotfire database. Therefore, if you use Oracle as the Spotfire database, the Spotfire Database user must get another grant before the upgrade. For more information, see . 14.0 The product is now branded Spotfire, not TIBCO Spotfire Installation path and service names are changed. 14.0 Removed TIBCO-branded versions of Progress DataDirect JDBC drivers The TIBCO-branded versions of Progress DataDirect JDBC drivers, which previously came pre-installed with Spotfire Server, are removed, and not supported in this version of Spotfire. The corresponding data source templates for the drivers are also removed. For more information, see . 14.0 The TIBCO Spotfire® Statistics Services server is discontinued The TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services server is discontinued and will no longer be updated. TERR, R, and Python services now provide the functionality. For more information, see the . 14.0 Updated from Java EE to Jakarta EE 9+ Spotfire Server is now updated to use a newer generation of third party components that have adapted to the new namespaces defined in the Jakarta EE 9 project. The old namespaces have been deprecated since Spotfire 10.10.11, 11.4.6, and 11.8.0. If you have custom code deployed on the Spotfire server, some code might need to be altered and rebuilt. The main difference is that some, but not all, imports of javax. must be changed to jakarta. For example, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest must be changed to jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest. A list of components with changed namespace can be found here: https://wiki.eclipse. org/Jakarta_EE_Maven_Coordinates It is possible that a third party component that you use, for example a JDBC-driver, is still using the older namespace. In many cases, components handle this dependency by creating a shaded jar file, that is, a jar file that includes the dependency, but under a new namespace. If the jar file is shaded, everything might work directly, otherwise you need to update the third party component. 14.0 Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK replaces Oracle Java as the embedded JDK distribution With this release, the Spotfire installation packages now include the Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK instead of the Oracle Java Development Kit used in previous versions. 14.0 Updated code trust Certificate Authority The name of the internal Certificate Authority for the Code Trust CA of the Spotfire Server is changed from TIBCO Spotfire Code Trust Root CA to Spotfire Code Trust Root CA. This means that a new root CA certificate is generated on the Spotfire Server, which will be used to issue new code signing certificates when users sign new Spotfire mods. If you are using an environment with a Test or Development to Production structure, this means that the step to export and import the root CA certificate between the systems must be done again to make everything work properly for Spotfire mods signed after the upgrade. See for instructions. See What's coming in Spotfire for a full list of new capabilities in Spotfire 14.0 LTS. This document (including, without limitation, any product roadmap or statement of direction data) illustrates the planned testing, release and availability dates for TIBCO products and services. It is for informational purposes only and its contents are subject to change without any notice.
  6. This document (including, without limitation, any product roadmap or statement of direction data) illustrates the planned testing, release, and availability dates for TIBCO products and services. It is for informational purposes only and its contents are subject to change without any notice. What's Coming in Spotfire® For an always up to date view of what we are working on - please refer to the Spotfire Idea Portal. There you can view ideas that are in "Planning to implement" status. Looking for what's new in Spotfire - please check the What's New in Spotfire page. Thinking about upgrading from Spotfire 11.x or 12.x to Spotfire 14.x? Check these helpful notes. This document (including, without limitation, any product roadmap or statement of direction data) illustrates the planned testing, release, and availability dates for TIBCO products and services. It is for informational purposes only and its contents are subject to change without any notice.
  7. Spotfire 12.4 makes it easier to use Actions in external systems through input validation and also includes improvements for information services and data wrangling in the web user interface. See the . To return to the What's New in Spotfire page for all releases click here. Data Access Improved logging in Information Services A number of improvements have been done to Information Services logging in recent releases to allow administrators to more easily monitor the usage and do trouble shooting: Data source name is now logged when a connection fails. Data source name is now logged along with the SQL query. Number of rows processed when executing an Information Link is now logged. New configuration option to set the maximum number of stored procedure input rows to log. JDBC data source template validation You can now more easily validate a JDBC data source template by using a command line tool that performs a test connection to an external data source with the settings specified in the data source template. The test can help you assess if the data source template is valid, and if it is compatible with the data source and JDBC driver, before you add the data source template to the Spotfire configuration. TIBCO ODBC drivers for Apache Spark SQL, Apache Cassandra, and MongoDB The TIBCO Drivers package, which includes ODBC drivers for Apache Spark SQL, Apache Cassandra, and MongoDB, is removed. The drivers are no longer included with Spotfire. If you use any of these drivers for accessing data in Spotfire today, you should switch to using different drivers as soon as possible. As you prepare to migrate, you can continue using the TIBCO ODBC drivers that you have already downloaded, but no new versions will be released to address potential issues. See the release notes for further information about this. Data Wrangling Data canvas sidebar The new data canvas sidebar allows accessing data tables and data functions more easily than ever before. Quickly switch between data tables, access data functions, and navigate through your data with ease. Open the data canvas and look for the new sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen where all data tables in your analysis, along with any data functions in use are displayed. You can collapse or expand the sidebar as needed to maximize your working space. This feature is particularly useful for those who work with a large number of datasets, as it allows to quickly switch between tables and functions without having to navigate through multiple menus. Column description from data in analysis flyout You can add and view columns descriptions directly from the data in analysis flyout to easily document the purpose and meaning of data columns, making it easier for you and others to understand your analysis. Simply open the data in analysis flyout, select a column and navigate to the Data tab where you can enter a description for that column. Visual Analytics Column from marked for web authors Web authors can change visualization axis to column from marked data, making it easier than ever to create interactive visualizations that change what column is used for an axis depending on what is marked in different visualizations. For instance this makes it possible to create a visualization that is connected to a data table, in such a way that when clicking on the table, the axes of the new visualization will change to show the values of a specified cell in the table. Analytics Apps Easier to use external actions through type support When configuring or running an external action, you will now get more suitable UI controls for each parameter depending on data type. For example, you might see predefined drop-down lists, check boxes, and numeric input controls in addition to text input fields. This makes it easier for people using the analysis to know what type of input is expected and it reduces the likelihood of issues when an action is run.
  8. Spotfire 7.11 brings highly requested improvements in data wrangling, cross tables, tables and maps, and it also makes the life of the Spotfire Administrator easier through improvements in scheduled updates and management of multiple Sites. Developers and application builders will enjoy the upgraded IronPython engine that now supports the latest (2.7.7) IronPython version. In addition to the new features, Spotfire 7.11 has been designated as a Long Term Support (LTS) version. LTS versions are typically supported for up to 36 months from release. For LTS versions, defect corrections will typically be delivered as hotfixes or service packs while for regular releases they will be delivered in subsequent releases. Back to the What's New in Spotfire landing page. Visual Analytics Calculate the subtotals and grand totals in cross tables based on the aggregated values displayed in the cells It is now possible to configure the cross table to calculate subtotals and grand totals based on the aggregated values visualized in the table, as an option to calculating it using the underlying row level data. This is useful, for example, when you want to visualize the sum of the absolute values of the categories displayed in the table. In the screenshot above, you can see the Properties dialog where you can select, for each column, whether to calculate the subtotal and grand total on the underlying row values, or as the sum of the values displayed in the cross table cells. This is useful, for example, when one wants to compare the sum of absolute values in the subtotals. Conditional color of the text in tables and cross tables It is now possible to color the text in tables and cross tables through color rules, as an alternative to coloring the cell background. This provides more freedom in the visual expression of the tables. Search and zoom to a location You can now search for a geographic location on the map and quickly zoom in to its geographic area. When you start typing a location name, Spotfire suggests locations you can select to zoom to on the map. Switch data table now keeps the visualization configuration Visualizations will now keep their configuration when switching to another data table, provided that the new and the old data table include the same columns. This saves time when switching back and forth between identical tables. Data wrangling Replace Data source As a Spotfire user, you are used to working with multiple data sources mashed together, to provide more answers from your data. With this release of Spotfire, you can easily replace one of those data sources with another data source, without compromising the data wrangling and data mashup you have done. Example: Going from test to production The picture below shows the source view in an analysis file. Three data sources are used and mashed together using Insert Columns (joins). The first data source is a linked data table containing sales sample data, stored in a local Spotfire Binary Data Format file (SalesOrderDetailSample.sbdf). By working with an alternative and local data source you can develop an analysis file without access to the production data source. This is convenient, for example, when working off-site, or, when you have work in progress that you do not want to introduce in your production environment (for performance reasons or for other reasons). Once you are ready to switch to the production data source, you can access the new replace data source feature from the data source menu in the source view: The picture below shows the new Replace Data Source dialog. In this example, we select to switch to the corresponding data table in Microsoft SQL Server. In the image below, the sample data source has been replaced. The data source type is now a data connection instead of an sbdf file. Add transformation to existing data source In addition to the capability to replace data sources, this release of Spotfire also enables you to add data transformations to existing data sources. Previously, data transformations could only be added when creating a new data source or when editing data transformations already part of the data source. There are certain situations when it's beneficial to attach transformations to data sources. The benefits are based on the fact that Spotfire doesn't save the original data in the analysis file, only the transformed result. Let's assume you prefer to store a copy of your data in your analysis file for it to be available offline and for you to be able to decide when a reload is needed. Let's also assume that you are loading 200M rows into Spotfire, and then defines an pivot data transformation to reduce the size of the data table. Having the pivot data transformation as part of the data source will only store the pivoted result table and discard the 200M original rows. This dramatically reduces the size of the analysis file. If the transformation was performed as a separate step, the original 200M rows would be stored. This will also reduce the loading time when opening the analysis, since the pivoted table is already available. If the transformation was performed as a separate step, the pivot operation would have had to be performed as part of loading the analysis file. Custom data transformations may also benefit from being performed as part of the data source. The image below shows the new access point to insert a transformation on a data source. Edit replace value transformations It is now possible to edit replaced values without creating additional transformation steps within the analysis. This means that you can go back and modify previously added replacement operations, if they are no longer applicable. By editing already created operations, you can avoid having a large number of transformations for replacing the same value over time, and make the analysis cleaner. The image below shows the entry point for editing two replace specific value transformations. Click the Edit button to open the new edit dialog. The image below shows the new edit dialog for Replace Specific Value: Since we have replaced a specific value we have defined both a new value and a primary key column (PermitNumber). You can add more key columns and you can replace the currently used key column and/or value in the dialog. You can also insert a new replace value transformation (using the new Replace Value and Replace Specific Value dialogs) into an existing transformation group by clicking Insert in the Edit Transformations dialog: Edit relational data connection data sources from the source view Previously, Spotfire users had source view access to make quick changes to data connection configurations. This made it possible to add and remove tables and columns, add or modify custom queries, modify prompts, change column names and other settings that are part of data connections. With this release, it is just as easy to make changes to the data source used by the data connection. The data source holds information regarding source IP, authentication method, time-outs and database, which are all easy to modify now. For example, it has never been as easy to move from a test database to a production database. With a few clicks from the source view, you can now point the data source to another database, maybe even to a database with another type of authentication method. If different table names are used in the databases, for example, 'dbo.test.transaction' in the test database and 'dbo.prod.transaction' in the production database, Spotfire highlights these differences in the data connection and makes it easy to select the corresponding table in the production database. The image below shows a data connection data source being displayed in the source view. Click on the settings button (the gear icon) on the data source node to edit the data connection. The image below shows the Views in Connection dialog reached from the settings button (the gear icon). From here, you can enable full editing of the data connection by clicking the button in the lower left corner of the dialog. The image below shows the new Edit Data Source Settings button. This is a new feature in 7.11 and provides a shortcut to editing your data source. The image below shows the Microsoft SQL Server Connection dialog which contains the settings for the connection data source. From here, it is easy to, for example, switch from a test to production server or database. You can also switch authentication method. Data Access Option to query SAP BW directly towards the SAP BAPI API The SAP BW connector now has the option to query SAP BW using the native SAP BAPI API without going through the ODBO API used until today. If you choose to enable the BAPI API integration you can expect a boost in performance and more detailed messages from SAP BW should something go wrong. If you choose not to enable the BAPI API, the SAP BW connector will use the ODBO API as before. We are convinced that the BAPI API will provide a better user experience and allow us to develop new features over time. We have therefore decided to deprecate support for the ODBO API in a future Spotfire release. However, both APIs will be available for a period of time, to allow you to upgrade your SAP BW client driver installation to the BAPI API at your own pace. The image below shows the title of the SAP BW Connection dialog, where it is indicated that the SAP BAPI API is being used. Load more than one million SAP BW data cells Note: This feature becomes available when you have enabled the SAP BW's BAPI API on Spotfire clients and servers. Please see the "Option to query SAP BW directly towards the SAP BAPI API" feature above for more details. SAP BW limits the number of non-empty cells that can be retrieved in metadata and in result data sets. This limit is configurable in SAP BW, and common limits are between 500k and 1M non-empty cells. By leveraging the SAP BW BAPI API, Spotfire is no longer dependent on this limitation and allows you to analyze more data than set by the limit. This means that you can connect to BEx queries representing more data, and thus extending the number of use cases you can implement with Spotfire. Only Spotfire administrators can enable this capability in the Spotfire platform. Specify SAP BW operation timeout It is common for SAP BW BEx queries to represent very large amounts of data. This means that Spotfire data import queries towards BEx queries sometimes need some extra time to complete. You can now increase the default 10 minute timeout as part of the SAP BW data connection. This allows you to import and analyze larger data volumes without queries timing out before your data is available. The images below show the SAP BW Connection dialog. Click the new Advanced tab to reach the operation timeout setting. Increased SAP HANA function support Spotfire's SAP HANA connector now supports the following additional functions: Median Stddev_Pop Stddev_Samp Var_Pop Var_Samp Bitcount Months_Between Years_Between The image below shows a few of the new functions in Spotfire's Custom Expression user interface. Note that the details for how to use these functions are documented by SAP and are subject to change over time. Support for new thrift transport modes in Apache Spark SQL Spotfire's connector for Apache Spark SQL now supports the thrift transport modes Binary, SASL and HTTP. Having the TLS security settings on the first page and turned on by default for new connections makes it quicker to configure your data connections in a secure way, for example, to Databricks data sources. Support for Teradata 16 The Teradata connector and Information Services now support Teradata 16. The images below show the different tabs available in the updated Teradata Connection dialog. Spotfire Cloud access to data from TIBCO Spotfire Data Catalog in Spotfire Cloud Business Author and Consumer Analysis files opened in Spotfire Cloud Business Author and Consumer can now load data directly from publically available TIBCO Spotfire Data Catalogs. Analysis files are authored in Spotfire Analyst, saved to the Spotfire Cloud Library and are instantly available for Business Author and Consumer users. As a Business Author and Consumer user, you will receive fresh data when the analysis is opened. You can manually refresh data from individual data sources in the source view of Spotfire Business Author. The image below shows the library browser of the Spotfire Cloud web client.
  9. TIBCO Spotfire® 12.1 introduces pre-built and customizable icons for data functions to help users find the data function they need at a glance, as well as administration improvements that help improving robustness for information services and improves user experience for user management. Data Wrangling Skip automatic columns matches Prompts for column matches when replacing data can be switched off to avoid interruption of automated workflow when replacing multiple data tables in sequence. Existing analyses are not affected. The new setting is available in the data table properties for a specific analysis, as a user level option, or as a group level preference set by an administrator. For a specific data table in analysis (Data > Data table properties). As a user option, for all data tables added to new analysis (Tools > Options). As a group level preference (Tools > Administration Manager) Insert hierarchy for web authors Web authors can quickly change the level of details in a visualization or combine filters to more structured hierarchy filters by inserting data hierarchies when two or more columns relate to each other. Data Science New look for data functions Icons for data functions enable faster identification and selection among several in the f(x) panel. Data functions developers can assign an icon to a data function from a list of pre-defined, category-based icons with associated keywords, or using their own custom icon. Data functions with icons in the f(x) panel. Registering a data function with an icon. Data Access Amazon Redshift Serverless support The Spotfire connector for Amazon Redshift now supports Amazon Redshift Serverless. Administration Split View to manage user details When you select a username from the user list in the Web UI, you can now view the user details (such as Profile, Licenses, etc.) by splitting the view between the list of user names and the user's details. You can also switch between viewing the user's details in split view mode or full view mode. This provides an easier overview and better workflow since it you can to now see and edit the user details while keeping the user list pane for quicker user switching. Split View to manage group details When you select a group from the group list in the Web UI, you can now view the group details (such as Members, Licenses, etc.) by splitting the view between the list of groups and the selected group's details. You can also switch between viewing the group's details in split view mode or full view mode. This provides an easier overview and better workflow since it you can to now see and edit the group details while keeping the group list pane for quicker group switching. New argument for config-encryption The CLI command config-encryption has the new argument --username, which accepts the username of the library administrator. Information Services runs in its own subprocess on the TIBCO Spotfire Server Information Services, used for accessing data with JDBC, now runs in its own subprocess on the same computer as the TIBCO Spotfire Server. The purpose of this change is, among other things, to improve the stability of the Spotfire Server and to facilitate troubleshooting. For the end user, Information Services works the same way as before, and no action is required before upgrading. However, as an administrator, it is important to be aware of the following technical changes: The location for the log files has changed to logs/informationservices. The JDBC drivers should be placed in custom-ext-informationservices. A new configuration command config-information-services-process is available. The JMX monitoring workflow for information services has changed. The default information services communication port is 9444. For more information about the changes to Information Services, refer to the corresponding user documentation in the Server - Installation and Administration Manual. Improved robustness by creating new data source connections on separate threads To work around issues with certain drivers that can become unresponsive, you can now create each Information Services data source connection on a separate thread. To enable the feature, add a connection property with the name spotfire.pooling.data.source.connection-creation-on-separate-thread, with the value set to true. Data source included in Information Services log file The Information Services log file, sql.log, now includes information about which data sources are used in a query. Example: 2022-07-27T11:10:16,103+0530 dat-job-thread-1, admin, #4, [ #Information-link-name | #4, #Information-link-name* ]: [data-source="oracle1"] SELECT O1."O_CUSTKEY" AS "OCUSTKEY2", O1."O_ORDERKEY" AS "OORDERKEY2", O1."O_ORDERPRIORITY" AS "OORDERPRIORITY2", O1."O_CUSTKEY" AS "SFTMPORDERSOCUSTKEY" FROM "SPOTFIRE"."ORDERS" O1 Support for cobranding packages in zip format Cobranding packages in .zip format are now unpacked on the Spotfire Server, in addition to the previously supported .cab format.
  10. Users with a TIBCO Spotfire Analyst product license are also entitled to use the TIBCO Spotfire Consumer product. See also the license feature reference.
  11. This feature is by default enabled for new DXP files. Since this changes thebehaviour of visualizations, the feature is by default disabled for already existing DXP files. If you want to enable this behaviour in old DXP files, open the file using the Spotfire Analyst and go toFile->Document properties->General->Compatibility settings and there make sure that the check box "Enable 10.7 data limiting using marking" is unchecked.
  12. Boris, thank you for your question. This forum is however intended to cover the Spotfire product only.
  13. With the release of Spotfire Cloud 3.6, Spotfire includes a native waterfall chart. Please also see these wiki-posts: https://community.spotfire.com/wiki/why-use-waterfall-chart https://community.spotfire.com/wiki/creating-waterfall-chart-tibco-spotfire https://community.spotfire.com/wiki/using-waterfall-charts-difference-analy...
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