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Olivier Keugue Tadaa

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Olivier Keugue Tadaa last won the day on October 3

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  1. Hi Amit On-demand is usually used when the end user needs to refresh data upon performing a certain action in a certain context (e.g., marking, filtering, etc.). The scheduled updates are meant to put data in the Web Player cache to avoid the end user waiting for that step. Both would look a bit antagonist at first sight. However, if you explain your use case we might be able to find a way to trigger an on-demand refresh when the scheduled updates process runs.
  2. Hi Sevda, When you use multiple tables on a single visualization, there is always a "controlling table" from which the column matches apply. Therefore in your case, "table 1" will show all the values for the regions. For the ones that are not in "Table 2", a standard addition will show null (since the second value is null). I can propose a workaround which is using the SN (substitute null) function for the other tables rather than the controlling table -- This expression will be empty for missing data un "table 2" Sum([value1]) + Sum([Data Table (2)].[Value 2]) -- This expression will display the right value even for missing data in "table 2" Sum([value1]) + SN(Sum([Data Table (2)].[Value 2]),0) Let me know if this helps. See the attached sample image
  3. Hi John, do you believe the Spotfire Qualification tool can help ? Indeed, it produces detailed reports on the DXP structure that can be reused to feel a proper well-formatted document.
  4. Thanks for the example. hoping to have understood the need, I created a basic line from a curve Draw with the below formula : Add any formula y(x) = a*x+b (where a and b are any numerical values), that will draw your line if you have the equation. You also have some advanced functions you can apply to x Here is a sample output...
  5. Please submit your idea here https://ideas.spotfire.com/ideas Meanwhile, I'd encourage you to work with your Spotfire contact to see how we can help you develop that specific custom extension.
  6. Hi Chantz, that should be possible. Is there any chance you could send us a sample dataset? That would be easier to help you with.
  7. This could be possible with Information Services. However, since it is also protected from SQL Injections, one would need to write some extension based on the API, that implements the following interface https://docs.tibco.com/pub/spotfire_server/14.4.0/doc/api/TIB_sfire_server_Information_Services_API_Reference/com/spotfire/ws/im/ds/sql/SQLRuntime.html
  8. I just tried and as expected, the generated SQL is: select * from table where longitude >= 'xmin and longitude <= xmax and Latitude between ymin and ymax or (longitude between xmin1 and xmax1 and Latitude between ymin1 and ymax1)' Note that your condition has been provided as a string (without any "evaluation") This is how most systems protect themselves from potential SQL injection intrusions. Let us see if there is another approach to sending dynamic filter expressions to your database.
  9. Yes, that makes sense if you filter ... By the way, I am just curious to know how you would have done this with SQL 🙏
  10. Very happy to hear that it worked However, the expression SN(Max([BEGINDATE]) OVER (Next([Key])),Date(2078,1,1)) also returns the expected result (at least from what I understood) See below
  11. Hi colin_g Since the (Next([ANALYSIS_NAME])) is the next different analysis and NOT the next line or record, here is what I would suggest : 1- calculate a column named "Key" like this:: [Analysis_Name] & [BEGINDATE] 2- create the "end_date" like this : Max([BEGINDATE]) OVER (Next([Key])) This ensures that a new end date will be calculated when you change the analysis and a BEGINDATE (the Key) However, note that the last line will have an empty end_date I hope this helps
  12. Hi djones, can you see the SQL generated by Spotfire? I fear that what you are trying to achieve (SQL injection) would not work for some obvious security reason. But please first check the query in the log files. --- to enable logging in to the Analyst, go to the menu Help -> Support and Diagnostics and Logging -> Logging
  13. Hi PBR, This below category expression creates an Empty(NULL) value If(([Month_String]="${Months}") and ([Year]>=2005) and ([Year]<=2025), [Year], NULL) To fix this, I'd suggest you create a calculated column (e.g. Display_Year) Display_Year :::::: If(([Month_String]="${Months}") and ([Year]>=2005) and ([Year]<=2025),[Year], NULL) Then use the below on the category axis <[Display_Year] as [Year]> Finally, add this to the expression to limit the data: ([Time]>=DocumentProperty("StartDate")) and ([Time]<=DocumentProperty("EndDate") and ([Display_Year] is not null))
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