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Select/Deselect All Filter Buttons for Multiple Data Sets

Shri G

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Hi All,

I have a two table visualizations on separate pages with separate data tables. Some of the columns are common in both the data tables. I have managed relation between both data tables and selected Include filtered rows only as wanted to have same filtering scheme to be application on both the pages.

I have created Hierarchies for these common columns for both data tables and created filters. I have to add Select All and Deselect All buttons for this hierarchy filters. For this I have used python script. It is working for page 1 visualization but same script is not working for Page 2 visualization. I am getting below error.

Could not perform action 'Select All'.

Could not execute script 'SelectAllDates': The collection does not contain a filter with the specified name.

Script I have used :

Select All:

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Filters import *

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import VisualContent

from System import Guid

#Get the active page and filterPanel

page = Application.Document.ActivePageReference

filterPanel = page.FilterPanel

# Get the Filter

myModFilter = filterPanel.FilteringSchemeReference.DefaultFilterCollection["case open date"];

hierFilter_mod = myModFilter.As[CheckBoxHierarchyFilter]();

# Check all nodes


Deselect All:

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Filters import *

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import VisualContent

from System import Guid

#Get the active page and filterPanel

page = Application.Document.ActivePageReference

filterPanel = page.FilterPanel

# Get the Filter

myModFilter = filterPanel.FilteringSchemeReference.DefaultFilterCollection["case open date"];

hierFilter_mod = myModFilter.As[CheckBoxHierarchyFilter]();

# Uncheck all nodes


Can somebody help me with this please?


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Hi Shri,

So do you see the issue using the embedded version that you sent? I'm afraid I don't see any issue with the latest analysis. The scripts are a bit different from what you first posted though (not using "case open date" in myModFilter = filterPanel.FilteringSchemeReference.DefaultFilterCollection["case open date"];)

I tested both SelectAllModalities and SelectAllCaseOpenDates.

This is most likely easier to troubleshoot further as a support case, so I recommend that you open a case for this in the TIBCO Support Portal - https://support.tibco.com/s/

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