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Unable to see messages from MQTT Subscriber adapter for TIBCO Streambase

subbanna girish

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i HAVE CONFIGURED THE MQTT subscriber Adapter. But I do not see any messages coming. Please advise

I am pasting the start up info

(fragment deploy): TRACE: -classpath C:workspace2Tryagainsrcmaineventflow;C:workspace2Tryagaintargetclasses;C:Usersminto.m2repositorycomtibcoepsbadaptermqtt-client10.6.2mqtt-client-10.6.2.jar;C:Usersminto.m2repositoryorgeclipsepahoorg.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv31.2.2org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3-1.2.2.jar servicename=Tryagain_Tryagain.minto com.example.tryagain.Tryagain suspend=true configuration=C:workspace2TryagainsrcmainconfigurationsMQTT.conf

(fragment deploy): INFO: Deploy tool version: [TIBCO Distributed Transactional Memory Platform 10.6.2 (build 2110020010)] starting at [Wed Apr 27 15:14:42 IST 2022]

(fragment deploy): INFO: Node version: [TIBCO StreamBase Runtime 10.6.2 (build 2110020141)]

(fragment deploy): INFO: Starting com.example.tryagain.Tryagain on node Tryagain_Tryagain.minto ...

(fragment deploy): INFO: com.example.tryagain.Tryagain started on JVM com_example_tryagain_Tryagain3 on node Tryagain_Tryagain.minto.

(fragment deploy): 2022-04-27 15:15:55.121000+0530 [18768:main] INFO com.tibco.ep.dtm.lifecycle: No user-defined Logback configuration, using product default configuration

(fragment deploy): 2022-04-27 15:16:01.414000+0530 [18768:main] INFO com.tibco.ep.sb.rt.launcher.EventFlowNotifier: Activated configuration MQTT.conf (com.tibco.ep.streambase.configuration.adapter MQTT.conf 1.0.0)

(fragment deploy): 2022-04-27 15:16:09.124000+0530 [18768:Thread- ThreadPool - 1] INFO com.streambase.sb.sbd.net.StreamBaseHTTPServer: sbd at LAPTOP-DK0JAN61:45667; pid=18768; version=10.6.2_ecdcbe5ad6d546c651c8edc8744d3f3c215bc4be; Listening

(container resume): TRACE: epadmin.exe schema=true delimiter=&& servicename=Tryagain_Tryagain.minto resume container

(container resume): command complete

(fragment deploy): 2022-04-27 15:16:15.107000+0530 [18768:MQTT Call: paho25291379706800] INFO InputAdapter: Action: Connected Object: localhost1 Message: Connected to MQTT Broker using connection config: localhost1

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I don't think there is any way to tell from just the information you posted why you aren't seeing messages being consumed by the adapter.

The most obvious guesses would be:

1) there aren't any messages flowing on that topic, therefore you don't see any

2) The subscription type doesn't make sense

But without more detail (for example, the complete code and configuration information itself, not just pictures of the parts of these things you have selected), I really can't speculate usefully any further.

You may wish to open a Support Case if providing such detail is in any way sensitive.

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Thanks sbarber for the reply.

I am able to resolve the Issue of getting the MQTT message to the Mapper activity. Now I want to extract the value of tagName

I have tried with jsonpath, parsejson functions but no luck so far

{"parse":"{"device":"RESTDevice","gateway":"HelloWorldGroup","id":"b5b1f5de-41d1-4516-9aa6-e12b542df25e_Inferred","readings":[{"deviceName":"RESTDevice","id":"b5b1f5de-41d1-4516-9aa6-e12b542df25e_Inferred","mediaType":"image/jpeg","objectValue":null,"origin":1651371289890,"profileName":"not mapped","resourceName":"image_reading_Inferred","value":{"created":"2022-05-01T02:15:05.317Z","id":"1323b3e5-e791-4b75-9c80-b62cbc406ffa","iteration":"2fe16894-d39c-4977-a5cc-a623c2203bdc","predictions":[{"probability":0.7319394,"tagId":"f08bb171-287c-415a-945d-b4a673622bb1","tagName":"Shelf-Notfull"},{"probability":0.26806056,"tagId":"11b11123-5610-4b9c-8484-873a624c4c5b","tagName":"Shelf-Full"}],"project":"c0f2ffe4-bb8f-4f09-a552-b85332af6769"},"valueType":"String"}],"source":1651371289890}"

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