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Streambase version 10.6 Substitution Parameter FileName File

André Santos

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Hi Tibco Community,

I tried to add a new Parameter inside the evenflow and in the moment of the deploy I used the flag substtution, but didnt result.

Can you please reccomend me, the best way to implement one substitution variable, for example filename to a CSV file in the moment of the deploy using epadmin

Best regards,

Andr Santos

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Hi Andr,

The reason what you are trying is not working is that from the epadmin install node command line, you setting the value of a substitution variable named nomeFich but in your .sbapp you are getting the value of a parameter named nomeFich, but substitution variables and parameters are not the same kind of things, and indeed have independent namespaces.


So what you probably want to do is to set the value of the nomeFich parameter from the value of the nomeFich substitution variable. This task is accomplished using StreamBase HOCON configuration files. There are 3 different kinds of parameters: operator, module, and container parameters, and you could in theory use any of those (and the configuration for each is a bit different).

There is a nice writeup on using substitution variables together with either operator or module parameters from TIBCO Product Support here: https://support.tibco.com/s/article/Constants-Operator-Parameters-Module-Parameters-and-Substitution-Variable-Configuration. It's getting a little old (ignore the 10.2 stuff), and it doesn't cover container parameters at all, but still it should show you how to set from substitution variables to parameter in general.

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Right, operator parameters were deprecated in Streaming 10.5 in favor of the newer container parameter and parameter settings group mechanisms. So, for new applications, it would be better to use container parameters rather than operator parameters.Someday, operator parameters might be removed from the product, but that day has not yet arrived. It's OK to use them for now, but yes, better to use container parameters if you can.


I didn't point you to an example of using container parameters and substitution variables together only because I don't think we've published an example like that yet. In the 10.6 documentation, the page that describes the StreamBase Engine Configuration file has exmples of using containerParameterSettings and ParameterSettingsGroups, and you would use a substitution variable reference as the value of a configuration/EventFlowDeployment/containers/containerX/containerParameterSettings/paramater value similar to how would with an operatorParameter.


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Hi Steve,

I developed the project inthe properly way to Streaming 10.6, but If I run the project by Studio I can see the parameter subtitution working, if i made the deploy by eapdmin with the flag substituton the results are totally different and It is not possible to change the value.


I used thecommand: epadmin install node nodename=A.CSV application= ...substitutions="SUB=replacedValue.csv", without sucess

Best regards,

Andr Santos

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Hi Steve,


I developed the project in the properly way to Streaming 10.6, but If I run the project by Studio I can see the parameter subtitution working, if i made the deploy by eapdmin with the flag substituton the results are totally different and It is not possible to change the value.




I used the command: epadmin install node nodename=A.CSV application= ...  substitutions="SUB=replacedValue.csv", without sucess


Best regards,


Andr Santos

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Hi Andr,


Sorry to take a while to respond.


The method I outlined will work, but everything in the chain has to be just right, and it's easy to have things not quite right.


It's also impossible for me to guess what the specific problem might be based only on the partial information you've included in this Answer post.


At this point, if you can share you application project source and the exact detailed steps you are taking to configure and run the application, we could maybe debug it, or if you could put together an absolutely complete set of screenshots with the same information (including all relevant source code, complete commands issued, runtime inputs and outputs and logfiles, etc.), maybe we could spot the issue and advise.


Another option would be to pursue the matter via TIBCO Customer Support if you have an active support agreement that covers Streaming.

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