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  • Wellbore Mod for Spotfire®

    Representation of a wellbore in 2 dimensions


    The Wellbore Mod is a schematic representation of a wellbore in 2 dimensions, plotting True Vertical Depth (TVD) versus Measured Depth (MD). It can be used to visualize fluid penetration into a wellbore during completion activities, relative positions of plugs and perforations, and plot colored values at various measured depths.


    Here's a video showing how the mod works:

    Try this Mod in Spotfire Analyst

    How to Open the Mod

    1. Open Spotfire® Analyst, and create an analysis by loading some data.
    2. Unzip the downloaded file, and locate the .mod file in the unzipped folder. 
    3. Drag the file into the analysis. 
    4. The visualization mod is added to the analysis.
    5. To learn about the capabilities and limitations of this visualization mod, keep reading.

    For general information on how to use and share visualization mods, read the Spotfire documentation..

    Upgrading the Mod

    Changes to axes and internal mod configuration may result in issues when upgrading this mod. For axis changes the mod should be recreated as a new visualization instance. For internal mod configuration changes use the Reset button in mod configuration of existing instances, and then reconfigure as necessary. See Configuring the Wellbore for more information. 

    Data Requirements

    Every mod handles missing, corrupted and/or inconsistent data in different ways. It is advised to always review how the data is visualized.

    The Wellbore Mod will draw a a 2D representation of a wellbore, with associated metrics. This is generally derived from survey data. If the data is plotted using measured depth, azimuth, and inclination, then the data will need to be prepared to map the trajectory as a series of rows including TVD and MD. Refer to the sample for details of what this looks like.

    • True Vertical Depth (TVD) - vertical distance from a surface reference point to the point being plotted.

    • Measured Distance (MD) - linear distance along the wellbore to the point being plotted.

    For perfectly vertical wells, TVD and MD are the same at any given point. For deviated or horizontal wells, the MD will start out the same as TVD, but will increase as the well deviates from vertical.

    These two values represent co-ordinates for plotting the wellbore form in the visualization. Additional data can be plotted along the wellbore:

    • Guns - tools used to create perforations.

    • Fills - a value which will apply from the top of the wellbore to a specific measured depth with a specified value. Generally you will have only one of these for a wellbore.

    • Perforations - holes punched through the casing material into the formation to facilitate fluid transfer into the wellbore.

    • Plugs - tools that are used to isolate part of a wellbore for completion activities.

    • Values - a value at a specified measured depth which will display a value at that depth, +/- half way to the next depth value provided. Generally you will have a series of these for a wellbore.

    Troubleshooting Data Issues

    The mod requires a valid trajectory to draw the wellbore and additional data. If no trajectory points are found, or the trajectory is invalid, then nothing will be displayed.

    When no trajectory points are found, the mod will display this error:

    Things to check:

    1. Rows in your data with a Layer Type of Trajectory. This is case insensitive but check for spelling.
    2. At least 2 Trajectory rows
    3. Trajectory rows all have MD, TVD, and Diameter values
    4. Axes are configured correctly, in particular Trellis By and Group By
    5. Any filtering or marking is not removing the required rows

    To calculate the trajectory, the mod will compute the inclination using a formula: 

    angle = arcsin(dTVD/dMD)


    • dTVD is the absolute delta in TVD between one waypoint and the following, when sorted by MD
    • dMD is the absolute delta in MD between one waypoint and the following, when sorted by MD

    The ratio of dTVD/dMD must be less than or equal to 1.0, otherwise this computation will fail as invalid.

    Data quality issues can lead to rounding errors and other inconsistencies. The mod will attempt to compensate for this by skipping rows where this ratio isn't correct. A wellbore may be rendered, but it may not be accurate. 

    When the mod makes these corrections, a warning icon will be displayed like this:

    Hover over the icon for a description of how many points were skipped. Additional debug information can be obtained from the Spotfire® console. Use CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-F12, and select the Console tab.


    In this example the mod skipped 7 points due to TVD-MD ratio being greater than 1.0. The MD where this occurs is also provided to assist with data troubleshooting.

    Setting Up the Mod

    The Mod includes the following axes. Not all axis values are mandatory and this will be indicated.

    Trellis By

    Optional. The Mod supports trellising with rows being grouped by the value in this axis.

    Group By

    Optional. Groups rows together to render as a single wellbore.

    Layer Type

    Mandatory. Must contain one of the following permitted values depending on row context. The value is case insensitive, but spelling is important.

    • Trajectory - identifies trajectory rows, drawn as a centerline and left and right borehole lines. Mandatory.

    • Value - identifies value rows, drawn as small fills in the wellbore at the MD, +/- half way to the next MD Value row. Optional, multiple rows.

    • Fill - identifies fill rows, drawn as complete fill from zero measured depth to the specified measured depth. Optional, single or multiple rows. For multiple rows, then the data will be sorted by descending MD, resulting in colored intervals.

    • Perforation - identifies perforation rows, drawn as triangles on the left and right borehole lines indication perforation locations. Optional, single or multiple rows.

    • Gun - identifies gun rows, drawn as a diamond across the diameter of the wellbore. Optional, single or multiple rows.

    • Plugs - identifies plug rows, drawn as a single box across the width of the wellbore at the specified measured depth. Optional, single or multiple rows.

    Any other value will cause the row to be ignored.

    These different row types and how they are rendered are shown in this diagram:



    Mandatory for Trajectory, Value, Fill, Gun, and Plug row types (all except Perforation). Measured depth. Must be in units consistent with Diameter and TVD.


    Mandatory for Trajectory row types. Ignored for other row types. True vertical depth. Must be in units consistent with Diameter and TVD.


    Mandatory for Trajectory row types. Ignored for other row types. Wellbore diameter. Must be in units consistent with Diameter and TVD. At scale this will usually render as a single line, so it will be necessary to use an exaggeration factor to expand the diameter into something that allows the wellbore to be filled for data rendering purposes. The sample illustrates one way to do this using an expression on the axis that uses a Document Property and a slider in a Text Area to make it user settable.

    The expression looks like this, assuming TVD and MD are in feet, and the column diameter_in is in inches:

    [diameter_in] / 12 * DocumentProperty("DiameterExaggeration")

    A diameter without exaggeration would look like this:


    And with an exaggeration factor of 200:



    Mandatory for Value row types, optional for Fill row types. Ignored for other row types. Value at the specified MD for Value row types and the value up to the specified MD for Fill row types. Does not render on the visualization directly, but will be visible in the tooltip.

    Perf Start MD

    Mandatory for Perforation row types. Ignored for other row types. Starting measured depth for perforation interval.

    Perf End MD

    Mandatory for Perforation row types. Ignored for other row types. Ending measured depth for perforation interval.


    Optional. Sets the color of the Fill or Value row. This axis supports both continuous and categorical expressions.

    Configuring the Mod

    Additional configuration for the mod can be accessed by clicking on the small settings icon in the upper right corner of the visualization area. This will display the configuration properties over the visualization. Maximize the visualization if necessary to update the fields. The configuration panel will only be accessible when the analysis is in Editing mode.

    Click the Close button to apply the changes. Navigating to a different Spotfire® page will generally cause changes to be discarded. Click the Reset button to reset configuration back to mod defaults. 


    Group Property Description Remarks
    Data Row Limit Maximum number of rows to render If the row count is exceeded then an error message will be displayed. This is a safety feature to keep from accidentally rendering too much data.
    Appearance Gun width Gun width in pixels  
    Appearance Gun color Gun color May be any valid HTML color name or hex color code
    Appearance Perf base width Perforation base width in pixels Depending on wellbore scaling it might be necessary to adjust this setting and perf length to get a reasonable render
    Appearance Perf color Perforation color May be any valid HTML color name or hex color code
    Appearance Perf length Perforation length in pixels  
    Appearance Perf left Show perforations on borehole left For horizontal wells, this will be the bottom
    Appearance Perf right Show perforations on borehole right For horizontal wells, this will be the top
    Appearance Plug width Plug width in pixels Depending on wellbore scaling it might be necessary to adjust this setting to get a reasonable render
    X Axis Show zoom slider Display X-axis zoom slider  
    Y Axis Show zoom slider Display Y-axis zoom slider  
    Y Axis Show scale Show TVD scale  
    Y Axis Show gridlines Show TVD scale grid  
    Y Axis Trim scale Trims y-axis scale to only domain of TVD values  
    Y Axis Min tick spacing Minimum spacing between y-axis labels Adjust this value to prevent label crowding
    Tooltip Show tooltips Display tooltips  
    Trellis Trellis direction Direction for trellis panels Columns, Rows, or Pages
    Trellis Max trellis panel count Maximum number of trellis panels to render If the panel count is exceeded then an error message will be displayed. This is a safety feature to keep from accidentally rendering too much data.


    Using the Mod

    Once the mod is configured it will render a schematic representation of a wellbore, associated fills and values, guns, perforations, and plugs. All data rows are keyed on MD and fills and values will be computed to follow the wellbore size and geometry.


    The mod supports marking of value and fill rows if configured. Click a value or fill to mark it. Use CTRL-Click to add additional rows to the marking, or remove an already marked row. To clear the marking, click in any open area.

    Building the Project

    In a terminal window:

    • npm install
    • npm start

    In a new terminal window:

    • npm run server

    Help and Support

    This Mod is not supported by Spotfire® Support.
    In the event of issues or to suggest features and enhancements, submit an issue in the Mod's GitHub repository.
    For general questions about Mods, please post a question in the Forum for Extensions & Mods to make it visible and routed to the appropriate team(s) to respond.

    More Information About Spotfire® Mods

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