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  • Vertical Line Chart Mod for Spotfire®

    This article is a user guide for Vertical Line Chart Mod



    The Vertical Line Chart mod is used to display multiple variables using the visualizations Y-axis as the categorization axis, and the X-axis as the value axis. This is the opposite orientation to a standard Spotfire® line chart.

    One particularly useful case for this chart is to visualize well metrics in a vertical orientation matching the depth of the well being analyzed.


    This video shows how to configure the chart for a wide data structure, where your data is in columns:

    And this video shows how to configure for a tall data structure, where your data is in name-value pairs:

    And finally, this video shows some of the additional configuration options in the mod:

    Data Requirements

    Every mod handles missing, corrupted and/or inconsistent data in different ways. It is advised to always review how the data is visualized.

    This mod displays both continuous and categorical variables in a vertical orientation. The vertical axis must be a continuous variable, and there must be at least one continuous variable on the horizontal axis in order to display categorical variables. Variables are displayed as curves, and grouped into tracks based on the curve type. These are shown as follows:


    This mod has complex additional configuration capabilities. Refer to the section Configuring the Vertical Line Chart for further details. By default, the mod will place all continuous curves into a single continuous track, and all categorical curves into a single categorical track like this:


    The mod will display data stored in standard column format (wide data) or name-value pairs (tall data). The axis configuration for each will differ slightly, and this will be noted in the section on Setting up the Vertical Line Chart.

    Categorical variables are displayed over vertical ranges identified by a y-axis value which represents the start of the range. Rows with the same categorical value will be merged together across the set of y-axis values. The final row presented for a given value will be used as the end of the range. In cases where a final value has a further defined interval, then an additional row should be added with the end y-axis value and the same name.

    For example:

    depth gammaray geology
    100 12.4 sandstone
    200 25.6 sandstone

    This will display a category from depth 100 to 200. If the sandstone category extends to depth 300, then an additional row must be added.

    depth gammaray geology
    100 12.4 sandstone
    200 25.6 sandstone
    300   sandstone

    This will now display a category from depth 100 to 300.

    Setting Up the Mod

    The Mod includes the following axes. Not all axis values are mandatory and this will be indicated.

    Trellis By

    Optional. The Mod supports trellising with rows being grouped by the value in this axis. 


    Mandatory. Continuous value axis in the horizontal direction. This axis will accept multiple columns for plotting multiple curves. Where data is in name-value pairs, this should be set to the column containing the value.


    Mandatory. Continuous value axis in the vertical direction. This axis will only accept a single column either numeric or date/time.

    Line By

    Mandatory. Column value for grouping rows into a series for rendering as a line. When the X axis has multiple columns this should be set to the value of (Column Names). Where data is in name-value pairs, this should be set to the column containing the name.

    Color Background By

    Optional. Categorical value for shading background intervals. The background will be shaded across the range of y-axis values.


    Optional. Categorical value axis. There must be at least one X axis column specified for categorical data to render.

    Configuring the Mod

    Additional configuration for the mod can be accessed by clicking on the small settings gear icon in the upper right corner of the visualization. This will display the configuration properties over the visualization. Maximize the visualization if necessary to update the fields. The configuration panel will only be accessible when the analysis is in Editing mode. 

    Further additional configuration for tracks and curves can be accessed by clicking the small curve icon beneath the gear icon.

    Additional Mod Configuration


    Group Property Description Remarks
    Data Row limit Maximum number of rows to render If the row count is exceeded then an error message will be displayed. This is a safety feature to keep from accidentally rendering too much data.
    Data Data group limit Maximum number of groups to render If the Line By axis results in a large number of data groups, then an error message will be displayed. This is a safety feature to keep from accidentally rendering too much data.
    Data Shade marking interval Enable background shading over marking interval  
    Appearance Default stroke width Default curve stroke width in pixels Individual curves can be separately configured
    Appearance Default stroke dash array Default curve stroke dash array Individual curves can be separately configured. This conforms to standard SVG dash array configuration. Stroke Dash Array
    X Axis Show zoom slider Display X-axis zoom slider  
    X Axis Show gridlines Display grid lines  
    X Axis Show scale Display scale  
    X Axis Compact scale Display scale compactly Compact scales have only start and end ticks and a label closer to the scale line
    X Axis Number of ticks Maximum ticks to display May be reduced by the mod if necessary for clarity
    Y Axis Show zoom slider Display Y-axis zoom slider  
    Y Axis Show gridlines Display grid lines  
    Y Axis Show scale Display scale  
    Y Axis Invert scale Change scale direction  
    Y Axis Scale multiplier Expansion factor for vertical space Integer number >= 1. A value of 1 will fill the available vertical space like a standard Spotfire® visual. If greater than 1, then the vertical space will be expanded by that factor, and a vertical scrollbar will be presented.
    Y Axis Lock scale scroll Lock scrolling across trellis panels This will not synchronize the scales, just the scrolling
    Y Axis Show track boundaries Enable track boundary display  
    Tooltip Show tooltip Display tooltips  
    Tooltip Show horizontal cursor line Display horizontal line across all tracks at mouse location  
    Tooltip Show vertical cursor line Display vertical line down track at mouse location  
    Tooltip Show hover markers Display circle markers on curves across horizontal cursor line  
    Trellis Trellis direction Direction for trellis panels Columns or Rows
    Trellis Max Trellis Panel Count Maximum number of trellis panels to render If the panel count is exceeded then an error message will be displayed. This is a safety feature to keep from accidentally rendering too much data.

    Tracks and Curves Configuration


    Auto Configuration

    Group Property Description Remarks
    Auto Configuration Auto add tracks & curves Automatically allocate curves to tracks If this is disabled, all tracks and curves will need manual configuration
    Auto Configuration Auto remove empty tracks Automatically remove tracks with no curves If this is disabled, empty tracks will need to be manually removed

    Tracks and Curves

    A graphical diagram of tracks and curves is displayed, representative of how they will be displayed on the chart. Click on a track or curve to select and display detailed information. Both tracks and curves can be dragged and dropped to reposition. It will not be possible to move a continuous curve on to a categorical track, nor vice versa.

    The toolbar has options to:

    • Add a track
    • Add a curve when a track is selected
    • Remove the selected track or curve

    When adding a track, there will be a prompt to define it as Continuous or Categorical. Once defined it isn't possible to change the type. 

    When adding a curve, there will be a prompt to select the name from a dropdown list. The list will only present curves matching the track type. For a continuous track the list will contain values from the X axis, and for a categorical track the list will contain values from the Category axis. Once defined it isn't possible to change the name.

    The same curve name may be configured on multiple tracks. It is even possible to define the same curve name twice on the same track.

    Select a track to display the track detail panel. The track will have a blue border.

    The top of the panel will display a track index and type. There are a hide/show button, and arrows to move tracks left or right. The following additional properties can be configured:

    Property Description Remarks
    Log scale Enable logarithmic x scale If enabled, all scales on the track will be logarithmic
    Padding left Track left padding in pixels Padding for the first track is ignored
    Width ratio Width ratio for track Based on a total of 100 across all tracks

    Select a curve to display the curve detail panel. The curve will have a blue border. The detail will vary whether the curve is continuous or categorical. For a continuous curve the following details will be displayed:

    The curve name and type are displayed, as well as hide/show button, and arrows to move curves up or down. The following additional properties can be configured for continuous curves:

    Group Property Description Remarks
      Display mode Display curve as lines or markers Markers may result in poorer performance in the case of larger datasets
    X Scale Invert scale Change scale direction  
    X Scale Scale min Minimum scale value  
    X Scale Scale max Maximum scale value  
    Stroke Color Color applied to curve See Curve Colors for more information
    Stroke Stroke width Stroke width in pixels Overrides the default stroke width
    Stroke Stroke dash array Stroke dash array Overrides the default stroke dash array. This conforms to standard SVG dash array configuration. Stroke Dash Array
    Fill Fill to Fill area to curve Min, Max, Line, or Curve. Further options will vary depending on the type selected.
    Fill Fill with gradient Enable gradient fill Applies to all types. Gradients are specified using min and max color values, standard colors with a single value.
    Fill Fill color Color Applies to Min and Max, non-gradient
    Fill Fill gradient min Min gradient color Applies to Min and Max, gradient
    Fill Fill gradient max Max gradient color Applies to Min and Max, gradient 
    Fill Fill to line Fills from curve to line Applies to Line, a numeric value rendered as a vertical line
    Fill Fill to curve Fills between curves Applies to Curve
    Fill Fill color negative Color applied to negative fills Applies to Line and Curve, non-gradient. Color below the specified line or curve.
    Fill Fill color positive Color applied to positive fills Applies to Line and Curve, non-gradient. Color above the specified line or curve.
    Fill Fill gradient negative min Min value color negative Applies to Line and Curve, gradient.
    Fill Fill gradient negative max Max value color negative Applies to Line and Curve, gradient.
    Fill Fill gradient positive min Min value color positive Applies to Line and Curve, gradient.
    Fill Fill gradient positive max Max value color positive Applies to Line and Curve, gradient.

    For any fill option, if no color is specified then the default black will be used. This applies to both gradient and non-gradient colors. It is recommended to specify both positive and negative color values, as well as both min and max values for all gradients for the desired effect.

    For a categorical curve the following details will be displayed:

    The curve name and type are displayed, as well as hide/show button, and arrows to move curves left or right. 

    The color scheme can be selected for each categorical curve. See Color Schemes for more information. To assign a specific color to a category value, select the color box next to the value and choose the color to apply. See Curve Colors for more information.

    Color Schemes


    Color schemes are used in several areas within the track and curve configuration. The list of schemes are fixed and cannot be customized. The scheme list includes all the standard Spotfire® color schemes, and adds some D3 color schemes.

    Color schemes will consistently select the same color for a given value within a specific mod instance. This is not guaranteed between mod instances, and not guaranteed when a single mod instance is re-rendered. For consistent coloring, it is recommended to assign a specific color to each value. See Curve Colors for more information.

    Curve Colors


    There are three places where curve color can be set. The order of precedence is:

    1. Specified color in curve details
    2. Specified color in Curve Colors
    3. Color scheme selection

    By default, the color scheme will select an initial color from the selected palette. This color is not guaranteed to be consistent, so one of the other two methods should be used for consistent curve coloring.

    Background Colors


    The color scheme can be selected for background color intervals. See Color Schemes for more information. To assign a specific color to a background value, select the color box next to the value and choose the color to apply. 

    Using the Mod

    Once the mod is configured it will render a vertically oriented chart with continuous and categorical curves.


    The mod supports marking if configured. The mod supports rectangular marking for all continuous and categorical curves. If a continuous curve is displayed as markers, click a marker to select that point. Categorical curve values can also be marked with a click. Use CTRL-Click to add additional rows to the marking, or remove an already marked row. To clear the marking, click in any open area. Background shading across the marked interval will be displayed if configured.

    Building the Project

    In a terminal window:

    • npm install
    • npm start

    In a new terminal window:

    • npm run server

    Help and Support

    This Mod is not supported by Spotfire® Support.
    In the event of issues or to suggest features and enhancements, submit an issue in the Mod's GitHub repository.
    For general questions about Mods, please post a question in the Forum for Extensions & Mods to make it visible and routed to the appropriate team(s) to respond.

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