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  • Upgrade Spring for Spotfire® Server 7.5 and later

    Upgrade Spring for Spotfire® Server 10.3 and later


    The Spotfire Server uses Spring Framework. If you want to upgrade Spring to a more recent version than the version bundled you need to manually update to that version.

    Upgrade process

    Apart from the first step, you need to perform all these steps for each Spotfire Server in your environment. Before you start the third step you should shut down your server.

    1. Download the JARs from the latest Spring release
    2. Back up the  Spotfire Server
    3. Replace the old Spring JARs in the Spotfire Server with new ones

    Download the JARs for the latest Spring release

    Download the new Spring JARs that you want to use. It is only supported to update Spring to a new release with the same first two version numbers (i.e. 5.2.x,  5.3.x etc.).

    Spring Framework

    You can see what version of Spring Framework is bundled with the product by looking into spring-beans.jar located in

     <TSS installation directory>/tomcat/webapps/spotfire/WEB-INF/lib

    You unpack the jar and look into META-INF/notice.txt where the version number will be written at the top of the page.

    Back up the Spotfire Server

    Before upgrading Spring make sure to perform a full backup of the Spotfire Server. Please see the "Backup of Spotfire Server" section in the "Backup and restore" chapter in the Spotfire Server manual.

    Replace old Spring JARs in the Spotfire Server with new ones

    Before you start replacing the Spring JARs you should shut down your server. The Spring Framework JARs are located in

     <TSS installation directory>/tomcat/webapps/spotfire/WEB-INF/lib

    If the JARs you downloaded have version number in the title, remove the version number. 

    In  Spotfire Server 10.3 and later, you must replace the following Spring Framework JAR files:

    • spring-aop.jar
    • spring-beans.jar
    • spring-context.jar
    • spring-context-support.jar
    • spring-core.jar
    • spring-expression.jar
    • spring-jcl.jar
    • spring-jdbc.jar
    • spring-oxm.jar
    • spring-tx.jar
    • spring-web.jar
    • spring-webmvc.jar
    • spring-websocket.jar

    An example of a downloaded JAR is spring-beans-5.3.18.RELEASE.jar which then should be renamed to spring-beans.jar.

    Upgrade Spring for Spotfire Node Manager


    The Spotfire node manager (TSNM) bundles Spring Framework. If you want to upgrade Spring to a more recent version than the version bundled you need to manually upgrade to that version.

    Upgrade Process

    The second step needs to be performed for each Spotfire node manager in your environment. Before you start the second step you should shut down your Node Manager.

    1. Download the JARs from the latest Spring release
    2. Replace the old Spring JARs in the Spotfire node manager with new ones

    Download the JARs from the latest Spring release

    Download the new Spring JARs that you want to use. It is only supported to update Spring to a new release with the same first two version numbers (i.e. 5.2.x, 5.3.x etc.)  The Spotfire node manager uses Spring Framework.

    Spring Framework

    To know which Spring Framework JARs you can upgrade look into the spotfire.war file located in

     <TSNM installation directory>/nm/webapps 

    Open the war-file and you will find the JARs in WEB-INF/lib. Here you can see the version number in the name of the JAR. Look at the JAR named spring-beans-VERSION.RELEASE.jar.

    Replace the Spring JARs in the Spotfire node manager

    In spotfire.war located in

     <TSNM installation directory>/nm/webapps 

    you will find Spring Framework JARs that must be upgraded.

    Follow these steps to upgrade:

    1. Create a new folder called webapps.temp in the same folder where webapps is located.
    2. Rename the old webapps folder to webapps.old.
    3. Create a new folder called webapps.
    4. Unpack the spotfire.war into the folder called webapps.temp (ensure the unpacked folders and files are directly in the /webapps.temp/ folder and not a subfolder like /webapps.temp/spotfire/)
    5. Replace the necessary JARs in ../WEB-INF/lib.
    6. Open a command prompt, running as an Administrator, and move to webapps.temp folder and enter <TSNM installation directory>/jdk/bin/jar.exe -cvf ../webapps/spotfire.war *
    7. Remove the folder called webapps.temp.

    The Spring Framework JARs to be replaced are

    • spring-aop-VERSION.RELEASE.jar
    • spring-beans-VERSION.RELEASE.jar
    • spring-context-VERSION.RELEASE.jar
    • spring-context-support-VERSION.RELEASE.jar
    • spring-core-VERSION.RELEASE.jar
    • spring-expression-VERSION.RELEASE.jar
    • spring-jcl-VERSION.RELEASE.jar
    • spring-oxm-VERSION.RELEASE.jar
    • spring-tx-VERSION.RELEASE.jar
    • spring-web-VERSION.RELEASE.jar
    • spring-webmvc-VERSION.RELEASE.jar

    Since 12..0.0 Spring Framework JARs can also be upgraded in the follwing places

    1. <TSNM installation directory>/nm/lib
    2. <TSNM installation directory>/nm/upgrade/lib

    The following JARs should be replaced in <TSNM installation directory>/nm/lib

    • spring-aop.jar
    • spring-beans.jar
    • spring-context.jar
    • spring-core.jar
    • spring-expression.jar
    • spring-jcl.jar

    The following JARs should be replaced in <TSNM installation directory>/nm/upgrade/lib

    • spring-aop.jar
    • spring-beans.jar
    • spring-context-support.jar
    • spring-core.jar
    • spring-expression.jar
    • spring-jcl.jar
    • spring-oxm.jar
    • spring-websocket.jar

    Upgrade Spring for the Spotfire Server Remote Config Tool


    The Spotfire Server Remote Config Tool bundles Spring Framework. If you want to upgrade Spring to a more recent version than the version bundled you need to manually upgrade to that version. These instructions is applicable for version 10.10 (or newer) of the Spotfire Remote Config Tool. Mitigation for older versions is to remove the tool, both on the server machine and all clients that downloaded the tool.

    Upgrade Process

    The second step needs to be performed for each Spotfire Server in your environment. 

    1. Download the JARs from the latest Spring release
    2. Replace the old Spring JARs in the Spotfire Server Remote Config Tool with new ones
    3. All clients needs to replace their old Spotfire Server Remote Config Tool with the updated version.

    Download the JARs from the latest Spring release

    Download the new Spring JARs that you want to use. It is only supported to update Spring to a new release with the same first two version numbers (i.e. 5.2.x, 5.3.x etc.)  The Spotfire Remote Config Tool uses Spring Framework.

    Spring Framework

    To know which Spring Framework JARs you can upgrade look into the spotfireconfigtool.jar file located in

     <TSS installation directory>/tomcat/webapps/spotfire/tools/spotfireconfigtool.jar 

    Open the jar-file and you will find the JARs under the lib folder. Here you can see the version number in the name of the JAR. Look at the JAR named spring-beans-VERSION.RELEASE.jar.

    Replace the Spring JARs in the Spotfire Server Remote Config Tool

    In spotfireconfigtool.jar located in

     <TSS installation directory>/tomcat/webapps/spotfire/tools/spotfireconfigtool.jar 

    you will find Spring Framework JARs that must be upgraded.

    Follow these steps to upgrade:

    1. Create a new folder called tools.tempin the same folder where tools is located.
    2. Rename the old tools folder to tools.old.
    3. Create a new tools folder.
    4. Unpack the spotfireconfigtool.jar into the tools.temp folder.
    5. Replace the necessary JARs in ../lib.
    6. Open a command prompt, running as an Administrator, and move to tools.temp folder and enter <TSS installation directory>/jdk/bin/jar.exe -cvf ../tools/spotfireconfigtool.jar *
    7. Remove the folder called tools.temp.

    The Spring Framework JARs to be replaced are (from version 10.10)

    • spring-aop-VERSION.RELEASE.jar
    • spring-beans-VERSION.RELEASE.jar
    • spring-context-VERSION.RELEASE.jar
    • spring-core-VERSION.RELEASE.jar
    • spring-expression-VERSION.RELEASE.jar
    • spring-jcl-VERSION.RELEASE.jar
    • spring-web-VERSION.RELEASE.jar

    From version 11.3.0 we also have the following JARs

    • spring-jdbc-VERSION.RELEASE.jar
    • spring-tx-VERSION.RELEASE.jar

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