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  • IronPython script for creating a customized HTML table from an aggregated data table

    IronPython script for generating a customized HTML table from an aggregated data table is covered in this article
    from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *
    import re
    import datetime
    from datetime import timedelta
    from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import VisualContent
    from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import HtmlTextArea
    # Form Column Table Data
    table=Document.Data.Tables["Data Table 1"]
    col = []
    for c in table.Columns:
    # Form Row Table Data
    rows = []
    record = []
    for cn in col:
    	cursor = DataValueCursor.CreateFormatted(table.Columns[cn])
    	for row in table.GetRows(cursor):
    	record = []
    # print col
    # print rows
    # formatting negative numbers into '()' style
    def negative_format(s):
        if s >= 0:
            return str(s)
        elif s < 0:
            return "(" + str(s*-1) + ")"
            return str(s)
    # Dynamic Dates 
    # function to determine the last day of the month from snapshot date 
    def last_day_of_month(any_day):
        next_month = any_day.replace(day=28) + datetime.timedelta(days=4)
        return next_month - datetime.timedelta(days=next_month.day)
    def convert(date):
        e, f, g = date.split('/')
        return "/".join([('0'+e if int(e) < 10 else e),('0'+f if int(f) < 10 else f),g])
    # Formating a negative number 
    def negFormat(x):
    		if float(x) >= 0:
    			return x[:-1]
    		elif float(x) < 0:
    			return "(" + str(float(x[:-1])*-1) + ")"
    	except ValueError:
    		return ""
    s=datetime.datetime.strptime(s, "%m%d%Y").date()
    hd1 = s.strftime("%d")+"-"+s.strftime("%b")
    # print hd1
    r=last_day_of_month(datetime.date(b, c, d))
    currMn=(datetime.date(l, m, n)+ timedelta(days=0)).strftime('%b-%y')
    currMnP1=(datetime.date(l, m, n)+ timedelta(days=28)).strftime('%b-%y')
    currMnP2=(datetime.date(l, m, n)+ timedelta(days=56)).strftime('%b-%y')
    currMnP3=(datetime.date(l, m, n)+ timedelta(days=84)).strftime('%b-%y')
    currMnP4=(datetime.date(l, m, n)+ timedelta(days=112)).strftime('%b-%y')
    currMnP5=(datetime.date(l, m, n)+ timedelta(days=140)).strftime('%b-%y')
    currMnP6=(datetime.date(l, m, n)+ timedelta(days=168)).strftime('%b-%y')
    currMnM1=(datetime.date(l, m, n)+ timedelta(days=-56)).strftime('%b-%y')
    currMnM2=(datetime.date(l, m, n)+ timedelta(days=-84)).strftime('%b-%y')
    currMnM3=(datetime.date(l, m, n)+ timedelta(days=-112)).strftime('%b-%y')
    currMnM4=(datetime.date(l, m, n)+ timedelta(days=-140)).strftime('%b-%y')
    currMnM5=(datetime.date(l, m, n)+ timedelta(days=-168)).strftime('%b-%y')
    july_index = None
    def give_july_index():
    	Header_Month_List = [currMnM5,currMnM4,currMnM3,currMnM2,currMnM1,currMn,currMnP1,currMnP2,currMnP3,currMnP4,currMnP5,currMnP6]
    	global july_index
    	for ind,month in enumerate(Header_Month_List):
    		if 'Jul' in month:
    			july_index = 18 + ind 
    def empty_to_dash(val):
    	if val != '(Empty)':
    		return val
    	elif val == '(Empty)':
    		return '-'
    THEAD1 = "<TR>" +  "<TH colspan=28 class='main fontTop'>" + "AM Changes: Week of " +  hd1 + "</TR>"
    THEAD2 = "<TR>" +  "<TH>" +  "</TH>" +  "<TH colspan=2 class='font bold'>" + "AMs (million)" + "</TH>" + "<TH colspan=13 class='font bold'>" + "Year Over Year (Percent Change)" + "</TH>" + "<TH colspan=12 class='font bold'>" + "Theory" + "</TH>" + "</TR>" 
    THEAD3 = "<TR>" + "<TH style='text-align:left'> Reg </TH>"  + "<TH>" + currMnP3 + "</TH>"  + "<TH>" + "% Share" + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnM5 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnM4 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnM3 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnM2 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnM1 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMn + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnP1 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnP2 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnP3 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnP4 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnP5 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnP6 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + "12M Avg" + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnM5 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" +currMnM4 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnM3 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnM2 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnM1 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMn + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnP1 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnP2 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnP3 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnP4 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnP5 + "</TH>" + "<TH>" + currMnP6 + "</TH>"  + "</TR>"
    THEAD3 = THEAD3.replace("<TH", "<TH class='font bold'") # adding CSS to 3d header
    current = ""
    Rn_Record = "<TR> "
    Main_TBODY = ""
    Code = ""
    for rID in range(len(rows[0])):
    	for cID in range(len(rows)-1):
    		if cID == 0:
    			# blank ROW between every region block
    			if rows[cID][rID] != current and rows[cID][rID] != "Dom" and rows[cID][rID] != "Diff.(Total)":
    				Main_TBODY += "<TR> " + "<TD class='bold rthinbor'> &nbsp; </TD> " + "<TD> </TD> " + "<TD class='rthickbor'> </TD> " + "<TD>  </TD> " * 5 + "<TD class='LeftRightThinBor'> </TD> " + "<TD>  </TD> " * 6  + "<TD class='thinbor rthickbor'> </TD> " + "<TD> </TD> " * 5  + "<TD class='LeftRightThinBor'> </TD> " + "<TD>  </TD> " * 6  + " </TR>"
    			# region name ROW in every block
    			if rows[cID][rID] != "Grand Total" and rows[cID][rID] != "Diff.(Total)":
    				if rows[cID][rID] != current:
    					Main_TBODY += "<TR> " + "<TD class='bold italic main rthinbor'>" + rows[cID][rID] + "</TD> " + "<TD> </TD> " + "<TD class='rthickbor'> </TD> " + "<TD> </TD> " * 5  + "<TD class='LeftRightThinBor'> </TD> " + "<TD> </TD> " * 6 + "<TD class='thinbor rthickbor'> </TD> " + "<TD> </TD> " * 5  + "<TD class='LeftRightThinBor'> </TD> " + "<TD>  </TD> " * 6 + " </TR>"
    					current = rows[cID][rID] 
    		if cID == 1:
    			Code = rows[cID][rID]
    		# carrier code and carrier name combined COLUMN	
    		if cID == 2:
    			if rows[0][rID] != "Tots" and rows[cID][rID] != 'Other' and rows[cID][rID] != 'Total' and rows[cID][rID] != 'Diff.(Total)' and rows[cID][rID] != 'Grand Total' and rows[cID][rID] != 'Total':
    				if rows[cID][rID] == "Tesla": # Checking for Tesla for Bordering the ROW CSS
    					Rn_Record = "<TR class='TeslaRow'> "
    				Rn_Record += "<TD class='bold main rthinbor'>" + Code + " " + rows[cID][rID] + "</TD> "
    				if rows[cID][rID] == "Total" or rows[cID][rID] == "Total": # Checking for Total Row for Bordering the ROW CSS
    					Rn_Record = "<TR class='bold Total_Row_Border'> "
    				elif rows[0][rID] == "Diff.(Total)" and rows[cID][rID] == "Diff.(Total)": # Checking for Total Row for Bordering the ROW CSS
    					Rn_Record = "<TR class='Diff_Total_Row_Border'> "
    				elif rows[cID][rID] == "Grand Total":
    					Rn_Record = "<TR class='bold '>"
    				Rn_Record += "<TD class='bold main rthinbor'>" + rows[cID][rID] + "</TD> "
    		if cID > 2:
    			if cID == 3:
    				if rows[1][rID] == "Diff.(Total)":
    					Rn_Record += "<TD>" + "." + "</TD> "  # dot for reporting month for Diff.(Total)
    				elif rows[1][rID] != "Diff.(Total)":
    					Rn_Record += "<TD>" + empty_to_dash(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "  
    			elif cID == 4: # pct Share COLUMN CSS
    				if rows[1][rID] == "Diff.(Total)":
    					Rn_Record += "<TD class='rthickbor'>" + "." + "</TD> " # dot for pct share for Diff.(Total)
    					Rn_Record += "<TD class='rthickbor'>" + empty_to_dash(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    			elif cID == 10: # AM YoY Current Month COLUMN CSS
    				if rows[cID][rID] != '(Empty)' and float(rows[cID][rID]) < 0: # red font for negative number
    					Rn_Record += "<TD class='redfont LeftRightThinBor'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    					Rn_Record += "<TD class='LeftRightThinBor'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    			elif cID == 17: # 12M Avg Month COLUMN CSS
    				if rows[cID][rID] != '(Empty)' and float(rows[cID][rID]) < 0: # red font for negative number
    					Rn_Record += "<TD class='redfont thinbor rthickbor'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    					Rn_Record += "<TD class='thinbor rthickbor'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    			elif cID == 23: # AM Theory Current Month COLUMN CSS
    				if cID != july_index: # NOT july month - normal colour coding CSS 
    					if rows[cID][rID] !='(Empty)':
    						if float(rows[cID][rID])== 0:
    							Rn_Record += "<TD class='LeftRightThinBor yellow'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    						elif float(rows[cID][rID])>0 and float(rows[cID][rID]) <= 10:
    							Rn_Record += "<TD class='LeftRightThinBor lightgreen'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    						elif float(rows[cID][rID])>10 and float(rows[cID][rID]) <= 20:
    							Rn_Record += "<TD class='LeftRightThinBor darkgreen'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "						
    						elif float(rows[cID][rID])>20:
    							Rn_Record += "<TD class='LeftRightThinBor darkergreen'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    						elif float(rows[cID][rID])<0 and float(rows[cID][rID]) >= -10:
    							Rn_Record += "<TD class='LeftRightThinBor lightred'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "						
    						elif float(rows[cID][rID])<-10 and float(rows[cID][rID]) >= -20:
    							Rn_Record += "<TD class='LeftRightThinBor darkred'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    						elif float(rows[cID][rID])<-20:
    							Rn_Record += "<TD class='LeftRightThinBor darkerred'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    					elif rows[cID][rID] =='(Empty)':
    						Rn_Record += "<TD class='LeftRightThinBor'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    				elif cID == july_index: #July month green colour coding CSS 
    					if rows[cID][rID] !='(Empty)':
    						if float(rows[cID][rID])== 0:
    							Rn_Record += "<TD class='LeftRightThinBor julymonth'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "				
    					elif rows[cID][rID] =='(Empty)':
    						Rn_Record += "<TD class='LeftRightThinBor'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "				
    			elif cID in (18,19,20,21,22,24,25,26,27,28,29): # AM Theory Current Month COLUMN CSS
    				if cID != july_index: # NOT july month - normal colour coding CSS			
    					if rows[cID][rID] !='(Empty)':
    						if float(rows[cID][rID])== 0:
    							Rn_Record += "<TD class='yellow'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    						elif float(rows[cID][rID])>0 and float(rows[cID][rID]) <= 10:
    							Rn_Record += "<TD class='lightgreen'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "						
    						elif float(rows[cID][rID])>10 and float(rows[cID][rID]) <= 20:
    							Rn_Record += "<TD class='darkgreen'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    						elif float(rows[cID][rID])>20:
    							Rn_Record += "<TD class='darkergreen'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "						
    						elif float(rows[cID][rID])<0 and float(rows[cID][rID]) >= -10:
    							Rn_Record += "<TD class='lightred'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    						elif float(rows[cID][rID])<-10 and float(rows[cID][rID]) >= -20:	
    							Rn_Record += "<TD class='darkred'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    						elif float(rows[cID][rID])<-20:
    							Rn_Record += "<TD class='darkerred'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    					elif rows[cID][rID] =='(Empty)':
    						Rn_Record += "<TD>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "	
    				elif cID == july_index: #July month green colour coding CSS 
    					if rows[cID][rID] !='(Empty)':
    						if float(rows[cID][rID])== 0:
    							Rn_Record += "<TD class='julymonth'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "				
    					elif rows[cID][rID] =='(Empty)':
    						Rn_Record += "<TD>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "					
    			elif cID >= 5: # for negative formatting 
    				if cID in (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16):
    					if rows[cID][rID] != '(Empty)' and float(rows[cID][rID]) < 0: # red font for negative number
    						Rn_Record += "<TD class='redfont'>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    						Rn_Record += "<TD>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    					Rn_Record += "<TD>" + negFormat(rows[cID][rID]) + "</TD> "
    				Rn_Record += "<TD>" + rows[cID][rID] + "</TD> "
    	Main_TBODY += Rn_Record + "</TR> "
    	Rn_Record = "<TR> "
    THEAD = "<thead>" + THEAD1 + THEAD2 + THEAD3 + "</thead>"
    TBODY = "<tbody>" + Main_TBODY + "</tbody>"
    STYLE = """ 
    	th {
    	  border: 2px solid black;
    	  border-collapse: collapse;
    	  text-align: center;
    	th {
    	  background-color: rgb(255, 204, 153);
    	  color: black;
    	th {
    	  font-family: Arial;
    	td {
    	  font-size: 10;
    	  color: black;
    	.fontTop {
    	  font-size: 11;
    	.fontSub {
    	  font-size: 12
    	.font {
    	  font-size: 9
    	.main {
    	  text-align: left;
    	.bold {
    	  font-weight: bold
    	.thickbor {
    	  border-left: 2px solid black
    	.rthickbor {
    	  border-right: 2px solid black
    	.thinbor {
    	  border-left: 1px solid black
    	.rthinbor {
    	  border-right: 1px solid black
    	.LeftRightThinBor {
    	  border-right: 1px solid black;
    	  border-left: 1px solid black;
    	.green {
    	  background-color: rgb(204, 255, 204);
    	  color: green
    	.redfont {
    	  color: red
    	.darkerred {
    	  background-color: RGB(255, 100, 75);
    	.darkred {
    	  background-color: RGB(255, 150, 100);
    	.lightred {
    	  background-color: RGB(250, 168, 154);
    	.yellow {
    	  background-color: RGB(255, 255, 51);
    	.darkgreen {
    	  background-color: RGB(144, 238, 144);
    	.darkergreen {
    	  background-color: RGB(50, 205, 50);
    	.lightgreen {
    	  background-color: RGB(152, 251, 152);
    	.julymonth {
    	.space td {
    	  padding-bottom: 20px
    	.TeslaRow {
    		border-top: 1px solid black;
    		border-bottom: 1px solid black;
    	.Total_Row_Border {
    		border-top: 2px solid black;
    	.Diff_Total_Row_Border {
    		border-top: 1px solid black;
    	.italic { 
    		font-style: italic; 
    HTML = "<HTML> <HEAD> " + STYLE + "</HEAD>" + "<BODY>" + "<table>" + THEAD + TBODY + "</table>" + "</BODY>" + "</HTML>"
    # print HTML
    AMTextArea.As[HtmlTextArea]().HtmlContent = HTML


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