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  • Donut Chart Mod for Spotfire®

    Version 1.1.3, released December 2023


    The donut chart is functionally identical to a pie chart, with the exception of a blank center and the ability to support multiple statistics at once. It provides a better data intensity ratio to standard pie charts since the blank center can be used to display additional data.

    This mod was made possible by a great team of students at the University of Gothenburg Software Engineering and Management program. Thanks to the project owners: Chrysostomos TsagkidisClementine JensenEemil Jeskanen and Krasen Parvanov.


    Data Requirements

    Every mod handles missing, corrupted and/or inconsistent data in different ways. It is advised to always review how the data is visualized.

    To make the donut chart mod work properly, the data table must be formatted in a certain way. The type of values on the Y-axis ('Sector size by') needs to be continuous and labeled correctly, but as long as the correct formatting is followed, all data types are supported in the donut chart. The type of values on the X-axis ('Color by') needs to be categorical. The center value supports only numerical values. Data needs to be loaded on both the Y and X-axis and percentages should be represented on a scale of 0-1.


    Center values and labels support currency, scientific notation (6 digits), as well as both integer and real numbers formatting types. By default, decimals in a number is formatted to two digits, and thousand separators are enabled. Neither of the aforementioned can be changed through the formatting settings.

    Setting Up the Mod

    Let's say we have a grocery sales dataset that contains data about prices, costs and sales volumes for different items:

    Date Average Price Total Volume Total Bags Type Region
    2021-12-27 1.03 663 7 conventional Albany
    2021-12-30 2.33 6426 6 organic Albany
    2021-01-19 1.33 -36 -2 conventional Chicago
    2021-01-12 5.33 4513 10 organic Detroit
    2021-12-25 2.33 -436 -5 conventional Chicago
    2021-12-22 5.43 5123 9 organic Detroit
    2021-11-03 1.33 6423 10 conventional Alabama
    2021-08-17 1.73 4230 11 conventional Boston
    2021-05-07 1.33 236 4 conventional Albany
    2021-03-11 1.53 626 5 organic Chicago

    In the donut chart configuration, we would specify the 'Region' column from the data table above as 'Color by' axis. Then we can configure the 'Sector size by' axis to illustrate the 'Total Volume' column as the size of the sectors for the region. Furthermore we can configure the center of the donut to display the average price by selecting the 'Average Price' in the 'Center value' axis.

    The end result will look something like this:


    Configuring the Mod

    After setting the data, multiple options are available to alter the donut chart appearance live. To open the appearance options, click the settings button on the top right of the visualization (available in Edit mode).



    Displays the percentage of the sector rounded to 2 decimal places with multiple appearance options such as:

    • Showing labels for only marked sections, all sectors and/or not showing labels at all.
    • Switching the position of labels from inside to outside the sectors.
    • Selecting the type of data shown in the sector's labels. Options available are the ratio/percentage(default), the sector value and sector category (from the value in "Color by").

    You can select all options, a combination of options or none.


    Sorts sectors by ascending or descending order. Sorting is enabled by default, but it can be disabled to present the sectors in an unsorted fashion.

    Circle type

    Displays the donut as a full circle or as a semi-circle.

    Using the Mod


    The donut chart allows for multiple ways of marking and visualizing the selected data by having the corresponding value be displayed in the center of the donut. Marking data can be done by clicking on a sector. To mark multiple sectors or add to marking set, you must click a sector whilst holding the CTRL key. The donut chart also allows for rectangular marking; whilst holding down a mouse click and dragging the cursor across the chart, you can mark one or multiple sectors corresponding to the sectors that the rectangle overlaps with. To unmark all marked sectors, just click the background of the mods canvas area. To unmark specific sectors from a subset of marked sectors, just click a marked sector whilst holding the CTRL key to unmark the marked sector.


    Hovering over sectors updates the center value to display the highlighted sectors information and also shows a tooltip with additional information.

    Building the Project

    In a terminal window:

    • npm install
    • npm start

    In a new terminal window:

    • npm run server

    Help and Support

    This Mod is not supported by Spotfire® Support.
    In the event of issues or to suggest features and enhancements, submit an issue in the Mod's GitHub repository.
    For general questions about Mods, please post a question in the Forum for Extensions & Mods to make it visible and routed to the appropriate team(s) to respond.

    More Information About Spotfire® Mods

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