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  • Busting Financial Crime with TIBCO®

    Existing financial crime solutions suffer from two problems: many false positives and long investigation times. The curse of existing crime-fighting solutions for financial institutions is that they are black boxes that require hefty consultancy fees to update. On this article, you will find how TIBCO can improve the situation.


    At Spotfire, we can improve your situation in a number of ways:

    • Apply machine learning to your historic data in a fully transparent approach
    • Leverage your big data without moving data across and without coding!
    • Make machine learning uncomplicated so your business people can interact with it directly
    • Compare new models with existing ones to make sure you always improve
    • Do a what-if analysis to adjust your investigative efforts to the size of your team and vice-versa
    • Understand how good a model is, which KPIs contributed most to it, track model versioning
    • Deploy models ultra-fast with Streambase
    • Keep track of all alerts and all investigative actions taken on them, such that everything is auditable at any time in the future
    • Justify why any transactions received a certain treatment
    • Verify that all investigators are following expected procedures, identify bottlenecks, manage workload

    Why it matters and how it works

     (4.5 minutes)

    Where to go to learn more


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